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Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8y2r01 wrote

No parking signs must be posted 24 hours before they go into effect. If they are, it doesn’t really matter if your car was already parked there, it’s your obligation to move it. It actually is nice of the officer to warn you before you are towed. How could someone know whether you plan to drive your car in the next few days when posting the sign?


Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8y2th8 wrote

You don’t have to move your car everyday. Just walk by and make sure no sign was posted


pixl-visionary t1_j8y4ex4 wrote

I’ve heard that signs need to be posted 48 hours in advance, but is it unreasonable to extend that to a week in advance? Because of street cleaning, I have to move my car at least once a week anyway. But I understand they’ll take any opportunity to write tickets and get our money, so I don’t expect that to change.


Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8y4x8i wrote

I’m mistaken on 24 hours, it is 48 hours. I don’t think a week is unreasonable for most use cases but I think there are specific instances where the town needs less time hence I don’t expect it to change from 48 hours


Snoo_93644 t1_j8y2r0i wrote

I recall the sign owner needs to post it 48 hours before the scheduled starting time. If that's the case, I'd suggest just paying the ticket and then move on.


hardo_chocolate t1_j8y7qjb wrote

Welcome to Jersey City.

This is really annoying because it happens all the time. If you have the time and inclination, fight it. But, don’t expect miracles.

Joys of living in Jersey City.


pankajkhatkar t1_j8yh7m4 wrote

Happened with me once. I contested the ticket, judge didn't even hear me and I had to pay. I suggest file a plea online. Greater chance you may lose but you might get lucky if other people also contest.


Salt_the_snail_Gail t1_j8ykc1u wrote

That really sucks. Hoboken will call you to tell you to move your car if you’re in a no parking zone (though I believe that only applies to parking permit holders I could be wrong). If it’s happening that frequently, it could be worth it to just start taking walks by your car every couple days. Not the most practical thing but that sounds like the simplest solution


pixl-visionary t1_j8ykwvq wrote

Yeah i’m certainly going to do that now, it seems a lot simpler than getting the city to change their policies, I just hate being screwed with


vocabularylessons t1_j8yz2qr wrote

Lol. You’re supposed to check your car, it’s your responsibility. The person who posted the signs in a timely manner is following the regs, so should you.


lukasbarton t1_j8yge2n wrote

You're furious that your out-of-pocket cost to park your admittedly unnecessary vehicle on public property has skyrocketed in price from $18/year to $18 + 2x $50 parking tickets?


pixl-visionary t1_j8yh8eu wrote

  1. It’s not about the money, it’s about making parking even more difficult than it already is
  2. My car is unnecessary? You don’t know anything about me or what I might need my car for. You sound like one of those guys who runs your bike through stop signs because the rules don’t apply to you

lukasbarton t1_j8yjaw5 wrote

You asked if you were overreacting and whether you should just shut up and pay the ticket.

  1. How is it not about the money? Your post is predicated on the question of whether or not you can fight this. There is no other penalty involved than the fines you'll need to pay. It's not as though you're attempting to plea down some points on your license. You've admitted that you do not check your car every day so there is no way to know if the signs were posted with the appropriate 48 hours notice.

  2. You're correct that I'm making some assumptions based on the information you've provided that you, "work from home, so I'll often leave my car in the same place for a few days in a row until I have to move it for street cleaning."

I do own a bike, but also a car. I also do not need my car with significant frequency, but I don't complain when I leave it unattended for multiple days and get hit with a parking ticket because I know the alternative is paying $250+/month for space in a garage.


pixl-visionary t1_j8ykqrs wrote

You don’t complain about those tickets? Even when you’ve parked it in a legal spot that then becomes illegal before you’ve moved it? That’s an incredibly frustrating situation and I admire your patience.

And again, this is truly not about money, it’s about defending myself against something I consider unfair. I guess not everybody agrees.


christinems4280 t1_j8yy6lv wrote

This is your fault, though. You know there’s a 48 hour window. So check your car every other day. It’s not hard.

You live in an incredibly densely populated city and choose to street park. This is what comes with it.


pixl-visionary t1_j8yyfc0 wrote

“choose” to street park? you think I have a driveway but choose to park in the street instead?


christinems4280 t1_j8yyowr wrote

Yes, choose. You can pay for garage or lot space and avoid any street tickets entirely. Or you can sell your car. All of this a choice. A couple of tickets in the grand scheme of things isn’t a huge deal. Posting this thinking you’re in the right because you leave your car sitting for a week is absurd. You know the rules. Follow them. Or pay the ticket.