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agoodproblemtohave t1_je55pot wrote

If you haven’t bought them in a while price is going to shock you!


SeaworthinessSuch415 OP t1_je56ngw wrote

Really? Should t it be like $3 a balloon?


worstquadrant t1_je6c9c3 wrote

There’s a helium shortage and it’s impossible to produce more helium since it is a naturally occurring element


No-Practice-8038 t1_je58ohl wrote

At least you’re not buying during Valentine’s Day. They charge more. As one redditor on this sub found out.

Can we get an update on that soul? Lol


Desi_techy_girl t1_je59e18 wrote

I am that poor soul. As a lesson, I have bought balloon inflator and balloons in bulk from Amazon. Thanks for not forgetting me! lol.


agoodproblemtohave t1_je58df2 wrote

Depends how big but the balloons themselves are cheap, to fill them up it’s pricey. Most are closer to $5