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objectimpermanence t1_jdxwcxk wrote

You’re going to have to compromise on something.

There’s a reason units in 77 Hudson sell for so much. You’re not going to magically find a similar building in the same neighborhood that’s noticeably cheaper.


bruce_cocker t1_jdxxw4l wrote

Lol at competitively priced

My man, what do you think that price is? It IS competitive for what you want in the area


PostPostMinimalist t1_jdxxzqm wrote

“I want everything but cheaper”

Also monthlies on that are over $3000 I think? I don’t get it at all.


badquarter t1_jdy01os wrote

Yes, hi, I’d like all those things as well but in a newer building and I’d like to pay $200k.


Neat-Guarantee-4643 t1_jdy04a3 wrote

Pricing for most of downtown, new and amenitized, is close to $1000 a square foot.

And you will have a monthly HOA payment on top of that.

Paulus Hook is also one of the most expensive areas of JC.

Perhaps check JC heights. Good luck.


PaulieatesomeWalnuts t1_jdy0col wrote

Just bring one of those 20% off coupons from Bed Bath and Beyond to the next Open House you go to