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Nuplex t1_je5jn1t wrote

Honestly... I don't understand the point of this.

PATH knows what the complaints are. Weekend service, overnight headways, single tracking, nonsensical delays, etc.

They choose to do nothing about it. So what is the point of a session like this?

Honestly the Port Authority needs to give up PATH to a more responsible and transparent agency that is actually beholden to the tax payers of NJ. Until then, they will literally do the absolute bare minimum they can, while holding these sessions to pretend they at least listen.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5qmyt wrote

This. We need to have serious discussions with them about how to eliminate the PATH organisation and transfer everything to NJ Transit or anyone else.


No-Practice-8038 t1_je5vjyt wrote

It’s all for show, these are pointless.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je5z9ye wrote

That's exactly why we should talk about firing the Port Authority and getting rid of the organisation every time they do this.


Vince_BK t1_je8x46c wrote

So that once PATH transfers over to NJ Transit, they can shut service down overnight just like NJ Transit does?


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_je6u46q wrote

PATH is way better in the hands of the port authority compared to NJT


Nuplex t1_je72c7m wrote

I don't buy this. If PATH was owned by NJ Transit (or preferably an organization specific to Hudson and Essex County), there would actually be a way for the mayors of Jersey City, Newark, etc, as wll as as the taxpayers to seriously petition for change. Pressure to state officials would be much more realized. At the moment because PATH is also co-operated by New York, it has even more more reason to neglect the rails. Having it wholly managed by New Jersey would mean that when constituents want something, there's an actual chance (even if small) of it happening.

At the moment literally nobody but the governor can influence PATH and that's a problem.


Jussttjustin t1_je6budd wrote

The real move would be to hold a protest outside of this meeting so they know we don't give a fuck about their dog and pony show

EDIT - also reply to their stupid tweet. Not that it will change anything but we have to keep being loud about it.


DontBeEvil1 t1_jeaekoj wrote

I was waiting for this response.😂

You don't understand the point of THIS, but you somehow understand the point of complaining on Reddit. 🤦