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needfulsalsa t1_jeaz7n4 wrote

Never trust cars in JC. Who knows who is behind the wheel.

One car on an empty road was driving at less than 10 mph. Too slow and was far. I wait for a while but then decided to cross since there was a stop sign. And the cars speeds up towards me.

The other time my Lyft driver was watching videos while driving on his phone


ShameyDeGise t1_jebow96 wrote

> Who knows who is behind the wheel.

Chances that it's me are reduced (but not zero) for the next 10 months or so


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jeb5q84 wrote

> The other time my Lyft driver was watching videos while driving on his phone

You should report this to the police, or, at a minimum, to Lyft. Preferably the police.


ManongPedro t1_jebdg07 wrote

The PoLicE have other EmErGeNcIeS to attend to.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jebffte wrote

If they don't do their job, they should be fired.

If they don't do their job and aren't fired, the police chief should be fired.


RealLennieBriscoe t1_jebh49g wrote

Don’t bother complaining. No one in Jersey City govt is held accountable for anything, ever. (See: DeGise, Amy)


needfulsalsa t1_jebxyjd wrote

I reported on Lyft but there was no follow up. I have never been able to reach a real person via Lyft customer care even for false charges


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jec5vic wrote

I sure hope you did a chargeback on your card. Don't reward them for shitty and unethical behavior.