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FreedomComesWithRisk t1_jed26jr wrote

Never trust any care no matter where you are. People are to trusting and assume everyone is paying attention while driving. Humans are operating 2000 -5000 lbs vehicles that can kill or seriously injure a person, but people will senselessly cross the street without looking because they believe or have hope the driver will stop πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ what kind of entitled world do you live in? I look both ways before crossing and will look again while crossing to make sure the person has intentions of stopping or slowing down.

I've worked as a first responder for over a decade, and I've seen plenty of people who've been struct my moving vehicles because they thought the person was paying attention. It's happened so much that it's become comical. The pedestrian must be just as accountable as the driver when crossing intersections. it's not a one-way street. The worst place I see this is Hoboken πŸ˜‚ people walk out blindly with no regard for their safety πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚! It's the funniest thing to see them startled and upset when cars don't stop for themπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚! Anyway, pay attention, and you won't get hit by a car that doesn't see you. Trust yourself, not the person driving if you want to live.