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[deleted] t1_jb9bicn wrote



moobycow t1_jb9l80u wrote

It's a small pedestrian drawbridge, not an engineering marvel. We're going to be building a fuckton of stuff in the park, asking to build a small bridge doesn't seem unreasonable.

I also fail to see how 'taller/larger boats' is at all meaningful when talking about a drawbridge.

It's amazing how tied in knots this country has become that building literally anything is considered an impossible ask.

Retractable bridge - Wikipedia


nuncio_populi t1_jb9nbsc wrote

We’re not building tons of stuff in the park, yet. Some of us are still fighting to keep it, you know, a park and not some tacky billionaire’s playground.


objectimpermanence t1_jbaht1v wrote

I think people are just being realistic.

The sad reality is that political dysfunction and infrastructure costs are so out of control in this country, especially in the NYC area, that even the simplest improvements are often rendered unobtainable by the sky high price tag.


moobycow t1_jbaistp wrote

Oh, I know it's not getting built, I just want people to understand it isn't because it is difficult in any way, it is because our country is broken.