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epic312 t1_jbebt5k wrote

I’ve fought many unlawful tickets and was found not guilty. My most recent one was all done completely online, I submitted my not guilty plea and why and a few months later they emailed me I’m not guilty.

In the past I was on Zoom in front of a judge disputing multiple tickets at once and I wasn’t found not guilty, however, the judge halved the fee I needed to pay.

In my opinion you absolutely should fight the ticket. Get as much evidence and be professional and respectful about the whole ordeal


STMIHA t1_jbfjgf0 wrote

This is the way. Unfortunately in places like Jersey City you’re always going to have parking enforcement people that don’t look at things the same way. You basically have to get into a habit of grabbing pictures of your spot and sign if you notice that there’s a ticket on your car when you come back to it. That being said there should be an address on the ticket as to where the offense took place I would cross-reference that with where you were parked and if it lines up it really should be cut and dry if anything try and put your car back into a similar if not the exact spot and take a picture of it for reference.