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ScumbagMacbeth t1_jeb8aqx wrote

My 4th floor apartment gets HOT when it's cold out. I almost always have at least one window open. (And I run cold, so for a normal person they'd probably need more.) Older buildings were actually designed this way to increase air circulation in the winter months.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jeb9qdd wrote

That's an issue, and one I can't believe a landlord continues in this era of high energy costs. I assume it's an old steam heat building, but even with that there's solutions to that problem like thermostatic rad valves. Have you ever simply turned off some of the radiators? When we had a 6th fl apt in the city I think we had only one rad on in the whole place.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_jeba6we wrote

I like having windows open for fresh air in the winter.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jebahbb wrote

Do you pay anything for your heat? And never mind the cost, think of the carbon being spewed by that waste.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_jebb7su wrote

I don't pay for heat. My carbon footprint is otherwise lower than most so I think I'm allowed this one thing that improves my quality of life.


robin_tern t1_jefk7c6 wrote

Surefire way to get a leak with those old radiator valves if you turn them on and off repeatedly :-)

I tell my tenants please not to touch them.



Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jefuq7x wrote

Tighten the bonnet nut, or repack it to be sure. The easier way to stop the steam is just stick a toothpick into the vent hole of the air vent valve!

God I hate steam.