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GreenTunicKirk t1_jddamq9 wrote

Oh c'mon ...

What you're seeing is a public outcry from people who are regular customers that are upset by this. And you're not taking ANY responsibility???

"Hey, very clearly we misjudged the situation. We're going to take all this into consideration and ensure we do not affiliate with the group in the future. In the meantime, it's too late to cancel the event and so we invite you all to come and speak out against the people's park foundation. We're sorry, and we hope we can move forward with trust in the community."

How hard would this have been?

Your defensiveness really says something about your integrity, and I'm so incredibly disappointed by this.


jerseycityfrankie t1_jddsvht wrote

They were pushing back all morning in the comments, now it’s “we’re the real victims here”.


BrewedInJerseyCity t1_jddcxos wrote

We can certainly get behind your above statement. Thank you.


lucke0204 t1_jddi31t wrote

I was planning to bring a decent sized group in to celebrate my birthday in a few weeks' time, but reading your reactions to some of the comments has been so disappointing to the point where I am reconsidering.

If you are serious about agreeing with the sentiments in u/GreenTunicKirk's statement, that's great. I would encourage you to take a beat and discuss with your team putting out your own statement to that effect.