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ja_dubs t1_jdeb4w2 wrote

I'm willing to give you guys the benifit of the doubt that your team did a cursory search to make sure that the Peoples Park group wasn't anything criminal or hateful and you missed that it had ties to Fireman and is actually an astroturf campaign. It's an easy mistake to make given that is the whole point of an astroturfing campaign.

More importantly, going forward, what new vetting procedures are you putting in place before allowing a group to host an event at your establishment?


BrewedInJerseyCity t1_jdedg7a wrote

Maybe this makes us sound like dumb brewers, but honestly didn’t even know what astroturfing meant. Had to google it a few hours ago. There will certainly be more in depth vetting going forward. Namely, a lengthy google search for any associated controversies.


nopeallday t1_jdg0pmb wrote

It's happening on your roof right now, no need to google it!