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moobycow t1_jdevhds wrote

The plan leaves all the existing accessible open space. It doesn't mean it's a good plan, but that's the plan.

Also, no one is charging access to go for a walk. There's plenty to hate about what is being proposed without making shit up.

Dumbass indeed.


[deleted] t1_jdgez3s wrote



moobycow t1_jdh1gr9 wrote

They are proposing to build up the area that is currently behind the fence and not in use

It's amazing to be this angry and aggressive about something you apparently haven't spent 5 min looking at.

Edit: to be clear. It is the timing and motives and potential conflicts of interestand ownership that suck about this.

The golf course bit no longer exists (I suppose you could argue it will come back). The area proposed to be developed here, is the exact same area the DEP would be proposing to develop (albeit it is likely with a lot more stuff/ buildings).


mcmuffin103 t1_jdi3l1c wrote

The DEP plans to restore wetlands and bring back some of the natural wildlife of the area, not build a stupid fucking stadium and racetrack as a cover to try and seize another part of the park for a golf course. It doesn’t need to be developed. If you want new basketball courts and shit go complain to the city council directly instead of bitching about it online and defending a shit-smear of a human being that wants to take something away from everyone.