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Byzantium-1204 t1_jbvmdr9 wrote

Awesome pic. I love the different colored lights


eframian t1_jbw3s8y wrote

Why are so many blue? Am i missing something obvious? Like... We have tons of Hue lights but I can't recall ever setting them all to Blue unless my kiddo was just goofing around.


Front_Guarantee_2915 t1_jbvpflx wrote

Gorgeous from the outside, but those apartments are smaller than my patio and I pay half the rent. I'm good lol


DSMK2 t1_jbw9s5h wrote

One of my favorite buildings to see when I'm walking down Liberty Street after work, love the way the sunset reflects off of it... Namely for the synthwave vibes it gives off as the building's different angles capture the light differently.

Makes me annoyed that my smartphone can't ever capture what I'm seeing.


idubbkny t1_jbvtwvt wrote

youre on boardwalk taking that shot!


JCYimby t1_jc5f27c wrote

One of the best building designs in the area… on the outside.

The units themselves - weird AF.


Whootoow t1_jby1340 wrote

Nice! Love to see it in B/W


Neat-Guarantee-4643 t1_jc7bnza wrote

One of the windiest places on the JC waterfront. No thanks. Freezing from Sept to June.


VanWorst t1_jbxujym wrote

Nope, Urby was built earlier


N0_ThisIsPATRICK t1_jc2q66j wrote

Technically, Urby was finished before 56 Leonard, but 56 Leonard definitely started construction earlier.

In my opinion though, you can't really say one copied the other, as their designs are very different.