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oseguera2020 t1_jbz50jt wrote


clade_nade OP t1_jbzyqb8 wrote

I think we might have run into each other in person when canvassing for Joel Brooks. Or I might be misremembering. Anyway, Joel never talked like this (at least in public), and no serious candidate or organizer should, either.


idontbs t1_jc00x1a wrote

Or, you know, you could just say it here


oseguera2020 t1_jc01v1i wrote

I cherish & enjoy nuanced debates on policy, especially housing policy. But a forum where anything I write will be downvoted en mass doesn’t seem to be a good place for that sort of discussion.

I sincerely doubt this one Retweet changed anyone’s opinion of me, rather it provided those who already hated me a reason to justify their disdain.


idontbs t1_jc02q5d wrote

I mean, it changed mine.

I genuinely didn’t know who you were, and if it stayed that way probably would’ve voted for anyone running as a progressive democrat if I saw them on the ticket.

I really hope I’m wrong about you, but nothing you’re responding in this thread is giving me any sign that i am.

Then again, I’m just one person in JC, which might not matter to you.

Edit: formatting


oseguera2020 t1_jc045cp wrote

If you are open to finding out whether or not you were wrong about me, the offer to connect is always open. But I don’t think it’s fair or accurate to boil me & my advocacy down to one Retweet.


idontbs t1_jc0ej4w wrote

That’s fair, so I was looking you up.

I looked your Twitter up, found you bragging about making people on Reddit cry, which I guess would include me?

Your offer doesn’t seem genuine. If I meet with you, will you brag about shitting on me on Twitter like you just did? Why would I ever meet with you then.


Supernatural_Canary t1_jc2f0iq wrote

Despite the fact that I’m a hardcore progressive—and like many others here, would be your natural ally—this retweet makes me not like you. I’m not saying this is fair, since I don’t know you, but first impressions matter.

Whether you like it or not, now you’re in a position of having to change my mind about you based on further actions and words. And it’s clear this is a widely shared sentiment. However, given your defensive (and at times reactionary) responses in this thread, my first impression of you stands.

If you can’t recognize the difficult position you’ve put yourself in with many Jersey City progressives because of your unnecessarily charged rhetoric and the seeming inability to recognize legitimate reasons that your potential allies may not like what you say and how you say it, then you’re not as skilled of a politician as you think you are.