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SpeedySpooley t1_je0a26q wrote

Reply to comment by BeMadTV in Farmers market drama? by yayforhooray

> They talk about SNAP and affordable food...will vendors be forced to sell things at a certain price? Because I can picture mangoes going for $5 each here.

A friend of mine is a vendor who sells at multiple farmer's markets. They accept SNAP/EBT, but it's at regular prices. While the prices are often higher at farmer's markets, they are also often held in urban areas where fresh produce and other items aren't locally available (food deserts).


BeMadTV t1_je0adcu wrote

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying. The church nearby gives food away about once a month and the proximity made me conflate what that survey aspires to accomplish and what the church does.

But what you're saying makes way more sense for a farmers market.