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StoryofTheGhost33 t1_jcvboif wrote

Fireman has pushed this BS that if he can expand his golf course for bullionares he can also expand his First Tee program.

The First Tee program already exists or existed (I'm not sure where it stands) and he has billions of dollars to expand it/restart if he really wanted to. He also has the land to do it. He doesn't need more land.

Note this is nothing new. They have been pushing these opinion pieces for many many years.

Preventing privatization was a gigantic win for our community! This has been such a long road to victory.


nuncio_populi OP t1_jcvf1sx wrote

I keep calling out these pieces every time I see them because I want to make sure we all stay engaged. He and his "foundation" are trying so hard to get their private development. For the sake of my children, I do not want to see that happen.