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davebozo t1_jczvmad wrote

is there anywhere to see renderings of the different proposals?


nuncio_populi OP t1_jczzkud wrote

Sure. Copying this from a response I gave on a different thread. See below:

Last year, the state legislature passed a $100 million act to fund Liberty State Park. There are two competing visions for the land:

The original plan calls for wetland, woodland, and grassland restoration to create wildlife habitat and scenic, passive recreation for all visitors to the park plus an additional sixty acres of sporting facilities, active recreational fields open, and a cultural center – all open to the public. The park also lies in a flood plain so habitat restoration will actually add a buffer to protect low-lying neighboring communities, particularly parts of Jersey City — Greenville, Bergen-Lafayette, and Downtown. You can see an older version of the state's plan here.

The alternative plan is promoted by the People's Park Foundation, which is funded by billionaire golf course owner Paul Fireman. This plan calls for the park to be turned into concert venues with multiple stadiums to be built and concession vendors spread throughout to "generate revenue." Predecessors to the overdevelopment plan have called for a new marina for yachts (conveniently located by Fireman's golf course) and, in the past, an outlandish formula-1 racetrack.

For context, Fireman has long coveted an environmentally sensitive portion of Liberty State Park called Caven Point to expand his golf course. His People's Park Foundation has been running a campaign in the op.ed section of for the last year either claiming that the first plan does not exist or grossly underselling the state's vision for the park. They try and conflate opposition to their plan with the false idea that the state wants to abandon Liberty State Park.

Edit: Added in the links.


davebozo t1_jd030xx wrote

in this latest version of fireman plan does he get any portion for his golf course? Also, the DEP needs some better renderings to compete with the other proposal.


Belindiam t1_jd5499m wrote

The Fireman people's plan is not to scale but merely a utopian rendering. There simply isn't the space to it all.