Submitted by Chowguru t3_1246fij in jerseycity

The roads in the heights are a mess. Take a drive on New york ave and you will realize what I am saying. They have been digging up to replace water lines for the last 12 months now. Any idea whether they will redo the roads soon?



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Iamdonewithusernames t1_jdy64hx wrote

I don’t get why they install speed bumps in the heights. Every road has natural and pse&g’s handiwork as speed deterrents.


joeyirv t1_jdyn3gw wrote

they need speed bumps at the end of the streets. people blow through stop signs nonstop in the heights.


aa043 t1_je5c5pe wrote

Cameras(like NYC has) . Remove idiots who don't obey traffic laws from roads.


joeyirv t1_je5xzj6 wrote

tons of people driving around without plates too. i’d rather have a physical barrier than a legal one when it comes to preventing kids from being run over in the crosswalk.


aa043 t1_je6hjve wrote

Cameras can still identify the car details and driver. People driving without plates need to be removed.


blizzWorldwide t1_jdymfl0 wrote

Yesterday I saw a dude cruising downhill on a side street, no-handed, fixing his hair on his bike. Super bold move


cb2-0-0 t1_je05bei wrote

New York Ave bw Franklin and Ferry is so bad


vicversus t1_jdy3wqv wrote

Typically wait for the warmer weather for road repairs so the snow/salt mix doesn’t ruin it as soon as it’s done


throw495887 t1_je2hgbm wrote

Lol come over to Union City, if a utility even breathes on a road, the entire block gets repaved within a month. Usually with 3 bright yellow speed bumps. Gotta love mayor stack


Jersey-City-2468 t1_je082vj wrote

There’s so much construction in the heights, probably going to wait until a good majority is done. If not, they’ll just get cut up again. But I agree, the roads are atrocious


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_je0s5y5 wrote

Forget roads, when do we get PATH tracks?


paul-e-walnts t1_je0kigh wrote

Probably after the roads are torn up for waterlines. The city seems to always get hell when the pseg or viola comes digging up a street right after it’s been repaved.


hamsterlizardqueen t1_je0l8am wrote

they’ve been doing construction the whole year i have lived here, nearly every day besides weekends


Miringanes t1_je15vx7 wrote

I drove up there last weekend when I went to Corto and it the roads were like Willets Point