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NewNewark t1_jcaravf wrote

PATH: We run shit service all weekend because were hard at work maintaining the tracks

Also PATH: No weekday service because no one has maintained the tracks


miranomejoda t1_jceq0ci wrote

but lets keep paying these pricks such high salaries.......


FinalIntern8888 t1_jcb0sfm wrote

It’s such a joke. Why is so hard just to cross the river? They should just run a bunch more ferries if the trains are such an issue.


sandra22223 t1_jcc5y5j wrote

Deadass the benefits would be multiplied across JC communities if we had a decent train system that ran almost 24/7 every 10 min. Or a ferry same price as path that ran 10 mins. It would bring so much fucking money, w tourists, reputation, ppl moving in. Govt should have a simple job, “what can I easily identify that would fix a lot of fucking problems and enable a better community?”


seanerhardt_ t1_jcamwwo wrote

Fucking joke. So glad I’m in az for job training. Port authority are the biggest frauds. I know people that work for them and they say themselves that they don’t do shit all day. Pardon my language.


JerseyTeacher78 t1_jcbbgee wrote

There were terrible delays on Tuesday as well. PATH used to run better than the MTA. Now I hate them both.


sutisuc t1_jcddkbt wrote

MTA at least has a much broader range of service and people who use it so I expect more issues even though it still sucks. No reason PATH should be as useless as it is


andychsiao t1_jcdpibk wrote

This is so true I feel like they’ve been flipped in the past two years in terms of being reliable


suztomo t1_jca5zhk wrote

You saved my time. Thanks.


StarPunchMan t1_jcaidob wrote

Trains are packed like sardines... If you have a hybrid schedule, consider asking your boss if you can work from home the next few days.


sweetPea2278 t1_jcart2z wrote

Strange, this morning I took 33rd path around 8am. They must’ve resumed service, no?


jotjotzzz t1_jcb7hu7 wrote

Always apologizing for the”inconvenience”! Do better mf!!!


Aggravating_Sand352 t1_jcadp00 wrote

Why? Something happen?


ohnjaynb t1_jcan95a wrote

Nope. Port Authority just has to put commuters in their place from time to time.


JCwhatimsayin t1_jcba3xa wrote

I mean, if you discover a track condition, not much you can do but suspend service.


[deleted] t1_jcd32k0 wrote

Glad I’m moving to Brooklyn after living here


sutisuc t1_jcddfy8 wrote

PATH service has fallen off a cliff after most people went back to their offices. During the pandemic it was an easy 22 minutes tops on NWK-WTC. Now it’s regularly 26-27 minutes without any issues. As soon as there’s an issue god only knows.