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Chilltopjc t1_iu6abaz wrote

I live near JSQ and I often just walk downtown or bike there. It’s nice to bike into and around Liberty State Park as well. Taking PATH or the 80 bus to the waterfront near Exchange Place is an option too.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iu6arh8 wrote

I walk down to the water all the time. Did it yesterday. Then take the train home if you're too tired to walk back. Sometimes walk to Hoboken.


promisingyoungahole t1_iu6bf7h wrote

Via is also an option. It takes forever but it’s $2 to get around jersey


JewterMcGavin t1_iu6n4de wrote

I went through your exact same thought process and ended up picking JSQ. I love it and take the path all the time as my primary means of transpo. Highly recommend.


TomGNYC t1_iu6xrbu wrote

your bike is your best friend for this.


LootFroop t1_iu70yn0 wrote

I occasionally walk from JSQ towards the waterfront. Takes me an hour down Newark, maybe less, if I don't stop at a store or something.

A great way to kill time and get some cardio exercise.


podkayne3000 t1_iu71sm1 wrote

Journal Square has great places, too.

People here just focus on downtown places because a lot of us are car-free people who live downtown. But Journal Square has all sorts of amazing shops, restaurants and historic sites of its own.


suztomo t1_iu76kk0 wrote

Citibike is also nice.


JCwhatimsayin t1_iu79fe0 wrote

Fairly soon you'll have nice places to walk to on the Hackensack River too! And that's closer to Journal Square.


justicebeaver2489 t1_iu7nfcf wrote

I used to work in NYC and live in JSQ. My gym and friends were in downtown JC. So I used to do this almost every day of the week. And it was super easy.

And if I was specifically looking to go for a walk on waterfront, I used to take the exchange place path from JSQ.

And if you are using the path more, having an unlimited smartlink path card comes out to be cheaper than paying per trip. There is a break even point where the number of trips justify the price. I don't remember at the top my head.


vocabularylessons t1_iu7x2my wrote


People walk, bike or take PATH to/from EX/Grove and JSQ all the time. The walk down Newark Ave is pretty straightforward. Personally, I prefer walking through the neighborhoods more than walking along the waterfront, but the latter is also quite nice.

There's also a decent amount to do around JSQ. Little India, Freetown Road, etc. I suggest walking around the Heights as well.