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moobycow t1_iu3xaw0 wrote

I mean. I despise Menendez and wish neither of them were running, but the idea that Ds are somehow running worse or more problematic candidates than Rs is.. well, let's just say that picking quality people does not seem a priority.


David-Eight t1_iu48dn6 wrote

That's not the point of the article, at least not locally (JC/Hudson county). But more of a problem for the Democratic Party as a whole, just look at the treatment of Bernie Sanders in the last two presidential primaries. Or look at Shamey Amy, this type of collision is a problem nationwide.

Jr. will definitely win and it won't even be close. But this type of mafia mentality will affect more close elections in NJ and the country.


moobycow t1_iu4ik1u wrote

I'll take the D party treatment of Sanders (who is not a D) over the R party treatment of Cheney or Pence.

Listen, it's shit all the way down on both sides, but there is not real equivalence between the parties at the moment, corruption, nepotism, integrity of the system. There's no area where the shittiness of Ds is in the same universe as the current shittiness of the Rs.


David-Eight t1_iu4m171 wrote

And yet they let him campaign in the Democratic presidential primaries 🤷🏻

I agree with the second part, Democrats are the lesser of the two evils but, we should have better options.


LincolnPorkRoll t1_iu4lgv8 wrote

just a heads up, hillary clinton will never be president.


moobycow t1_iu4oqto wrote

Thanks, I did not know that. FWIW, my meaningless primary vote went to Sanders.


BlueBeagle8 t1_iu4h5tw wrote

What did Democrats do wrong to Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primaries?


David-Eight t1_iu4l76h wrote


BlueBeagle8 t1_iu4lycl wrote

Even if you don't believe Elizabeth Warren's claim, that hardly equates to "the Democratic Party as a whole" mistreating Bernie Sanders, much less a "mafia mentality." That's just a candidate lying about a rival's position, aka the thing that happens over and over again in every election ever.

Frankly, if the party really wanted to play dirty they just wouldn't have let Sanders run for the Democratic nomination in the first place, since he's not a member.


David-Eight t1_iu4s10y wrote

In 2016 Bernie got 36% of the votes in the New Jersey. Only one elected politician in New Jersey endorsed him that year and he's out of office now. Doesn't add up.

You can also look into the lawsuit that happened in Florida after 2016. Where their defence was that they're a private organization and don't need to have fair primaries. Not that there was no collusion, just that they can if they want to.,Florida%20for%20lack%20of%20standing.


BlueBeagle8 t1_iu4y9uj wrote

I'm assuming that you're referring to John Wisniewski, who is out of office because he ran for governor and lost (without Bernie Sanders' endorsement, I'd add.) Hardly a massive conspiracy there.

I also don't see how that 2016 lawsuit -- which was dismissed with prejudice -- proves any kind of party-wide attack against Bernie's 2020 campaign.

I get that you oppose the Democratic party, which is fair enough, but this is a pretty thin case. The majority rules.


David-Eight t1_iu4zj56 wrote

>I get that you oppose the Democratic party

I'm a registered Democrat and vote in every primary, I just want them to do better.

If you want to believe there is no collusion, nepotism or wrongdoing in the Democratic party, then go ahead I guess.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_iu4s2ls wrote

[Wilding v. DNC Services Corp.]( plaintiffs, a group of,Florida for lack of standing)

>Wilding et al. v. DNC Services Corporation, et al. , was a class action lawsuit filed in 2016 against the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

^([ )^(F.A.Q)^( | )^(Opt Out)^( | )^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)^( | )^(GitHub)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


SyndicalistCPA t1_iu4b40m wrote

Yeah, I'll take a piece of shit who votes along with what I believe in 90% of the time over a fascist who'll vote to hurt my friends and family just because they choose to live in a nontraditional way and destroy the environment.


G_Funk_Error t1_iu40dc0 wrote

I don’t know of any corrupt pedophile Rs in our area. But I don’t know them all.


G_Funk_Error t1_iu30r4w wrote

If we don’t have a fresh supply of menendezs to bang underage hookers in South America, who else would do it?? This is chess it ain’t checkers.


David-Eight t1_iu43g9r wrote

Because America is an oligarchy.


montblanc6 t1_iu4mcwf wrote

Damn right. Now pick your favorite oligarch to support like you support a sports 🏈 team.

Extra points for arguing with strangers on the internet.


YetiSherpa t1_iu4fobm wrote

I can't, in good conscience, vote for a Republican or a Menendez. I have to find one of the other 5 persons running palatable enough to give my vote to.


Vertigo963 t1_iu50aed wrote

I'm in the same boat. Unfortunately, many of the other candidates seem unpalatable as well. Seriously considering the communist.


Common_Friendship_63 t1_iu6eu04 wrote

Menendez pretended to run for mayor for a hot second then got appointed to Port Authority and as part of deal to not run was annoited to be our selection for Congress as a fighter with zero track record of doing anything in the community. This is a deeper problem than just the Menendez family. My bet we break a new record for low voter turnout in a midterm, we might just win nationally for apathy. HCDO are just sad and the push Degise out crowd progressives are silent on a shifty budget hurting poor and working class families and tone deaf on affordable Housing Onerlay ordinance with a potential for no Affordable housing being built.


FunCandy8149 t1_iu6zpzo wrote

He couldn’t win a mayoral elections that’s why he preferred to be assigned a position.


Common_Friendship_63 t1_iu9wzwv wrote

Nope he would never shy away from a fight. Lil Bobby "Bootstrap" Menendez has a long record of fighting for us in Jersey City and we all know about his long track record of fighting without support from connections to his father, a senator from NJ. Look at all the signs on telephone poles for Lil Bobby "Bootstraps", and not another to be seen of a competitor. This shows what a brave fighter he will be in Washington for us and how scared the competition must be. No other way to explain his dominance in the illegally placed political sign competition. The guy is ready to rock Washington with a TKO to make us look proud, I am sure the other congressmen are going to cower when "Bootstrap" steps up to a lectern and pounds his fist demanding for our fair share of federal tax dollars in NJ. His father has such a good track record that his son doesn't need his coattails to make friends amongst the congressional delegation of Democrats or Republicans, his hard scrabble Lil Bobby "bootstrap" Menendez history will proceed him to DC.


214ObstructedReverie t1_iudbs8x wrote

Y'all should have done a better job voting in the primary instead of whining now.

I voted for Grajales.


BlueBeagle8 t1_iu4i2ut wrote

I am trying to keep an open mind about Menendez Jr. My parents are deeply flawed people, and I wouldn't want to be personally judged based on their mistakes. I think it's possible to take advantage of nepotism and do genuinely good things by playing the hand you're dealt, and I hope that the son does exactly that.

But I have to say, it's hard not to be deeply skeptical considering what a stain on the party, the county, the state, and the country Menendez Sr. has been.

If they had a Wins Above Replacement stat for senators like they do for baseball players, Menendez would be Robinson Chirinos.


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_iuk8bm1 wrote

Let’s not blame the children for the wrongs of the parent. It’s not like they had any say in the matter.


STMIHA t1_iu32zyq wrote

TBH I like the kid. The father can take a hike though.


Vertigo963 t1_iu3cjhe wrote

I shuddered reading this, but in the interest of understanding differing political views, what do you think the best arguments are for Menendez Junior?


STMIHA t1_iu3wjze wrote

And I totally get that. Tbh I’m sick of our political machine (on both sides), the nepotism and so forth. I’m definitely biased because I’ve run into him more and have just candid convos about cost of living, raising families in our area and so forth and he seems to get it. I get that he’s a political, that’s their job. It just seems like he’s not jaded (yet). That being said, I think it’s worth giving it a shot.

On the other hand, as constituents, we need to start holding the local machine more accountable. The joke of the Degise situation being the most recent egg on their face, I don’t care what party you are, I’m just tired of all the bullshit. Push term limits, push elected official reform when it comes to active investigations and so forth. And bring back campaign financing reform. We’re getting screwed each which way.


G_Funk_Error t1_iu40k25 wrote

“Start holding the local machine accountable”

We tried. We showed up. We protested DeGises continued employment and they didn’t care.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_iu4notr wrote

'We' wasn't enough people, there's tons of people that think running over someone was a good thing and she should have ran over more, living in affordable housing on 200k income is good because it pushes out those undesirable poors, using nepotism to illegally park is entirely fair and everyone should do it, etc. They tend to be older than the average Redditor and can be found at the bottom of any Amy DeGise thread.


STMIHA t1_iu4otn0 wrote

Then we don’t give up and we continue to do it. It’s not that hard. The point is to make them all feel uncomfortable. Not sure when it’s convenient for us to do so.


David-Eight t1_iu47ml6 wrote

What's Juniors plan to fix any of those problems?


STMIHA t1_iu7g0wj wrote

There’s no fixing. Let’s be Frank. It’s about proper management on the local level. Happy to have a discourse about that because that what he and I spoke about.


David-Eight t1_iu90l1z wrote

>There’s no fixing. Let’s be Frank. It’s about proper management

I'm not sure what you mean by this, can you explain. It kind of sounds like the plan is to do nothing but, know that can't be what you're saying. I'm not naive, I'm very much a realist, I just want at least the same as what other cities or countries have already done. For example universal healthcare, Republicans always say it's too expensive or whatever, yet every other Western country already has it.


Substantial-Floor926 t1_iu4ewvg wrote

The son is more of the same. Is being handed a congress seat because of his name and will be a puppet for the machine


STMIHA t1_iu4p4u0 wrote

I’d like to not speculate. Happy to set a reminder for a year out and see where we are.


JCYimby t1_iu34a4m wrote

We live in a country where people are innocent until proven guilty. And he wasn’t proven guilty in the last case, which was flimsy at best.


mastershake29x t1_iu42ui0 wrote

This is strictly a legal concept, he has already been censured by the Senate in a previous case.


G_Funk_Error t1_iu40fbt wrote

Lol hung jury dude. My man is as dirty as fulops glory hole.


Vertigo963 t1_iu5dd3r wrote

I think of Steven M. Fulop as someone who would have his glory hole cleaned meticulously.


G_Funk_Error t1_iu5dh37 wrote

You’re likely correct. I am ashamed I didn’t think this joke through enough.


YetiSherpa t1_iu4f7x0 wrote

If I recall correctly, the evidence for the underage sex wasn't rock solid but the case for bribery was. However, Congress has written their rules to make bribing them just about legal and the courts have confirmed that, yes, indeed, it is legal to bribe elected officials.