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kushNation141 t1_iuf0lje wrote

Just give them the lifelock guys info.


AgentLemon22 t1_iufahe4 wrote

I got four of them yesterday. And all started off saying "Are you in jersey city" I hit that block button with the quickness


mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iufbvn2 wrote

I chat with them to see what their aim is lol


DystopiaAD t1_iufles1 wrote

Probably software tho, right?


mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iuforag wrote

I would be impressed. It seems like real convo, they follow up and ask more personal questions etc.

At the end they said they were wanting to invest in my field.

They tried to take offline, also said they wanted to meet in person etc.

Pretending to be a woman visiting town.

Seems like they are trying to scam people.

Could totally just be locals. But seems like English is not their first language.

I engaged to see what it was about. First I legit thought it was a tourist asking the mod about local sites.. but when they said they wanna have coffee lol I was like ok stranger female trying to have coffee with me this is a scammer lemme see what the scam is.

I started acting silly and less interested and they also lost interest


bigbluewreckingcrew t1_iufkfb5 wrote

How does the scam work?


mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iufotni wrote

Dunno cuz I didn’t take the bait but they wanted to meet for coffee and they also wanted to invest they said.

This was someone pretending to be a Hong Kong chick currently traveling in LA and looking to visit JC. But didn’t know anything about JC. so probably just going to random city subs and doing this


Brudesandwich t1_iufss3z wrote

Same. Just random as hell asking for info on what to do as they will be "visiting"


LessThanJake_Plummer t1_iufzmh5 wrote

That's been happening to me a lot on WhatsApp recently.


mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_iugk86z wrote

I got it from linked in several times. Always a sexy Chinese lady profile pic lol

It’s gotta be lucrative since they do it so much. Somebody in another comment said the scam is called pig butchering. I commented an article about it also