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VanWorst t1_ir8cb92 wrote

At least it's not in the bike lane!


sideback4 t1_ir8cyos wrote

Surely it’s broke down or something. Can’t be people that slow or???


kneze6 t1_ir8zi1x wrote

Oh there for sure is people doing this, all around JC!


sideback4 t1_ir9uo1w wrote

Thankfully I've not seen it around my way but I've no doubts it happens. That's a single lane for going straight too if I'm not mistaken that it's parked in, so if someone is in the left turning lane everyone going ahead is fu@ked lol. Surely that's a much bigger ticket than your average parking ticket??


paroonsharkcatfish OP t1_irae08u wrote

All the cars behind were (rightfully) beeping at the car until they all finally gave up and went around


David-Eight t1_ir9k8wj wrote

Where's the driver then? No hazard lights?


sideback4 t1_ir9u50u wrote

No idea mate, but if it’s as easy to think someone literally just rocked up and parked in the middle of the road like that and walked away, surely it’s as easy to think they could have broken down and just left it there without hazard lights and walked away. Whichever way it went down that’s crazy I’ll tell you that, I’ve never seen anything like that if it’s the parking in the middle of a very busy road story. That’s completely nuts lol


BeyondDadBod t1_irezlvj wrote

Here is the kicker… the building behind it has maybe 5 spots of temp drop off parking on the other side of the road. Ya know, not actually in the lane of travel. So even if it’s a quick drop off no excuse to stop there


CityBuild t1_iracwnt wrote

One of the absolute worst intersections in the city


paroonsharkcatfish OP t1_irads10 wrote

I couldn’t agree more. Maybe he got to the intersection, saw the state of it, then decided to just peace out.


omgno360noscope t1_ir8oh0q wrote

Only solution to this is to break his mirrors


badassery11 t1_ira5qzw wrote

The worst part is that I am 100% certain he was not ticketed


Pretend-Heron-3705 t1_iragb6z wrote

This is one of the worst intersections ever. I’m amazed no pedestrians have been hit


BeyondDadBod t1_irez651 wrote

Paging the bike lane jerk that started a fight with me demanding studies to prove my assertion that this intersection (and a few blocks up & down) is horribly designed & that it seems to me/neighbors accidents on this stretch have increased, and SURELY the town knows more than me & my neighbors who live here.

This is V3 in the last handful of years, and this intersection just gets worse as more pedestrians and cars use it (bridge built, new building bringing hundreds of new bedrooms). It’s still trash and I see near misses of all road users constantly and have a few near misses of my own


BromioKalen t1_ir7zde9 wrote

Why does this look like the smallest car I’ve ever seen?


eetzavinyl t1_ir81uzq wrote

Cuz you were born and raised at a monster truck rally?

Or just funky perspective.