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Morkitu t1_itror6h wrote

So sorry for your peril! Yes, that water bill was a killer this quarter too. My mom's was nearly $900 (double 2Q). I think it's the way the new company, Veolia, calculates usage, combined with a higher rate, AND don't forget the solid waste fees.

I personally think that the city and real estate interests are trying to get people's homes. If you are a senior on a fixed income, there is no way you can even live. And family members of seniors have to pick up the rest of the tab.

My mother always praised Fulop, but I feel like he is the Mike Bloomberg of Jersey City, because he is allowing money and corporate interests to carve up the city, and diverting funds and resources to the gentrified areas.

Quality of life is not great and the cost is very expensive the closer you are to NYC. 12K a year is more than many seniors receive in Social Security. Something has to give before it breaks.

I wish you and your family the best as this year wraps up! Hang in there!


doglywolf t1_itrp6ir wrote

appreciate it - the water bill does not make sense though like i said the most in 10 years of billing ive ever used in a quater is like 9000 gallons and that was mostly filling up a pool. Most months its under 3,000 . So im still fighting with them how they trying to say we used 40,000 in quater - no leaks no running faucets - this new company seems criminal and super shady .