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AlexanderHamiltonJC OP t1_its4xai wrote

from u/kokoromelodyCan you go into any more detail what your plans would be for higher transparency/ accountability, especially when it comes to how the current and potential future budget proposals are allocated? As a property owner, I'm not blindly against any and all tax increases, but it's frustrating to see that JC has one of the highest expenditures per student that don't seem to translate into student performance or the overall school quality.

This is a very important question. One of the things I would like to do is make sure we are following exactly where the money is going in this budget. I, too, am not against all tax increases, as long as they are justified and can show some results.

One of the ways I think that real change can happen in this district is with real transparency and accountability. So how does the district accomplish this? I strongly believe that this administration needs a Budget Officer. Why? Well, think of the administration as a corporation. The Superintendent is the CEO and the Business Administrator serves as the COO and the CFO. In order for a corporation to run effectively, it would NEVER have one person for two massively important positions. Think about it, our administration has the same person making all of the operational decisions as well as the financial decisions. This hierarchy has led to wasteful spending, bad contract negotiations, nepotism and a bloated budget in our district. As I said earlier, I am not against all tax increases but when the administration submits a $970 million dollar budget and does not disclose what they plan on doing with the money, I think that is wrong. Let’s work together with the administration (and Budget Officer) to create a plan, present it to the public, agree on that plan and then ask taxpayers to “buy in”. This is the proper order of how budgeting and planning should work together.


keepseeing444 t1_itsezxk wrote

I see now why the board half assed the new superintendent search and instead just decided to go with Dr Fernandez, a 40 year lifer in public school system. It’s mind boggling nobody at the board or media or mayor’s office even questions this publicly. So incredibly, deeply corrupt!


AlexanderHamiltonJC OP t1_itshujn wrote

This was one of the worst things that this board did for perhaps the most important decision that a school board makes. We voted to conduct a national search for a superintendent, passed a resolution to conduct one and then they just did not do it. I was so upset with this and the day that Dr. Fernandez was approved, I absolutely went off in public session about it during our board meeting. The board basically lied to the public and did not follow through on a commitment that was made. I was disgusted by this. I personally don’t have anything against Dr. Fernandez, I think she is a good person and we need her to be successful because now she is our superintendent but the board let the district down on this.