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AlexanderHamiltonJC OP t1_its640n wrote

from u/mooseLimbsCatLicks Do the members of the school board have any regrets on how long the schools were closed to in person learning? Do you think in hindsight it was incorrectly handled?

This is a very difficult question. As the father of a 6th grader in the district it was very hard to have him home for so long during virtual learning. All in all, I think the district did a pretty good job preparing for virtual learning. While it did have a lasting effect (negative) on students, teachers and parents, I would have liked to see schools reopen a bit sooner than they did. Again, I think the district did the right thing in the beginning with so many unknowns but as we began to get a clearer picture of the pandemic I think we could have had our children back in school sooner. Hindsight is 20/20 though and there were many students, teachers and parents who were afraid to go back too early.