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AlexanderHamiltonJC OP t1_its7a4b wrote

from u/jcskunk Parents rave about Jersey City public charter schools their children attend, but have almost never heard the same for regular public schools with a couple of exceptions. What can we do to encourage charter schools and/or make the public schools operate to a similar standard?

While Jersey City public charter schools are funded from the district's budget, they operate independently. I think one of the reasons that you hear great things from parents about charter schools is that they are innately tied closer to the community that they operate in. Since they can micro-manage their students, faculty and staff, it is often easier for charter schools to make quick changes and react faster to concerns. There are other factors to consider though such as higher teacher turnover rates, lower student diversity and the possibility of closure.

I would like to see our district discuss/observe educational systems and methods that may be working in the charter schools and mimic the programs that are successful. For that matter, I am a fan of even going out of district and finding out what is working for students all of the state of NJ. If there is something successful in another district, it does not mean that it can not work here in Jersey City as well.