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keepseeing444 t1_itsezxk wrote

I see now why the board half assed the new superintendent search and instead just decided to go with Dr Fernandez, a 40 year lifer in public school system. It’s mind boggling nobody at the board or media or mayor’s office even questions this publicly. So incredibly, deeply corrupt!


AlexanderHamiltonJC OP t1_itshujn wrote

This was one of the worst things that this board did for perhaps the most important decision that a school board makes. We voted to conduct a national search for a superintendent, passed a resolution to conduct one and then they just did not do it. I was so upset with this and the day that Dr. Fernandez was approved, I absolutely went off in public session about it during our board meeting. The board basically lied to the public and did not follow through on a commitment that was made. I was disgusted by this. I personally don’t have anything against Dr. Fernandez, I think she is a good person and we need her to be successful because now she is our superintendent but the board let the district down on this.