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doltPetite t1_ircold2 wrote

Lol between that and double paying for subways to get anywhere in NYC, makes JC wayyyy less attractive. There's no good reason that it isn't just integrated into the subway and serving people on weekends....


vocabularylessons t1_ircqje9 wrote

The "good" reason is that what is now the PATH train system and the NYC subway system predate the Port Authority and the MTA, respectively, and were built to serve different areas with little integration between systems. Could they be combined now? Perhaps. But who would be in charge? I sure as heck don't want the MTA in charge of anything at all, nevermind PATH.


doltPetite t1_ird7a41 wrote

But it's a been a long ass time and several consolidations of systems later. Heck even the subway was built as multiple different systems originally. Sure the MTA has it's flaws but if they integrated the systems it would definitely a better experience. Getting to the East side or Brooklyn from JC is wayyyyy more difficult than it needs to be. It's similar to how stupid it is that nj transit and LIRR use the same rolling stock and tracks but we don't have any line to go through penn to long island. We are one region we don't need everyone to have their own separate fiefdoms.


South-Development-50 t1_ircyxjm wrote

It’s exactly why I am leaving. With all the new development here you’d think they would want to make the place as attractive as possible


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_irffioy wrote

the reason for lack of integration is that its a holdover from when NYC's subways were essentially run by two competing companies and the path was unofficially the third subway company in the region. Because of this weird competition, the path never integrated with the other systems and has been treated like the step child.

There is alot of holdover from that time too, like a planned extension of the path to Grand Central that was abandoned because the company that ran the east side subway system bought the underground land rights up to like 100 feet in order to prevent the path from building as the deeper the tunneling the more expensive it would be, etc.

While I dont think the Path should be run by MTA, I do think there needs to be a standard fare that is transferable to all the systems in the area. Does not make sense to have like 6 different transit systems and all have their own fares and price points for monthly plans


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_irjx0c6 wrote

As a train/bus enjoyer plus no family to worry about, the extra time is ultimately inconsequential and the 300/month in taxes saved very highly outweighs the 30/month in extra subway fares