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nycdevil t1_ire4jfq wrote

Reply to comment by romanpieces in Weekend PATH service by ah73911

It has to do with the fact that the PATH is (wrongly) classified as a commuter railroad, not necessarily that it goes into NYC or between states. That said, changing it would probably piss off the conductor's union, so it's not likely to happen...


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_irfek45 wrote

This, its basically a holdover for when the Path used to use Amtrak tracks before switching over to its own tracks and using a third instead of treating it like what it is, a subway line, it just gets classified as a commuter line when it really doesnt act like one since it doesnt go into the suburbs and connects major employment centers in the urban core


sapereaud33 t1_irfukct wrote

Is it fully separate now? I thought I had read that it was because it shares tunnels with Amtrak so the tracks are adjacent.


aTribeCalledLemur t1_irhfvh1 wrote

PATH and Amtrak don't share tracks, they couldn't, not even compatible. But the tracks run ride by side on the Dock bridge between Newark and Harrison.


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_irpo5d3 wrote

I think you are thinking about NJ Transit.


sapereaud33 t1_irq3sf4 wrote

Nah definitely PATH, I was wrong about the tunnels though, but PATH runs parallel/adjacent to North East Corridor near on the Newark line, and uses the Amtrak owned Dock Bridge. Both are reasons I commonly see cited for why PATH is FRA regulated, but I can't seem to find anything officially confirming that.