Submitted by ah73911 t3_xxjfs0 in jerseycity

So like... which biker we gotta hit n run to get more PATH trains running on the weekend and not every 30 mins...

But seriously who do we complain to?



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gillygillgill88 t1_irconwq wrote

In my rage late on weekends sitting on the ground at WTC I go into the PATH app and leave raging survey responses 😂


mastershake29x t1_irci21z wrote

Sadly no one in power cares. No one in New York cares. No one in New Jersey cares, as demonstrated by weekend service on NJT. They all think that mass transit is for commuting, and obviously no one does that on the weekend, nor would anyone take mass transit for non-commuting reasons.

Maybe you can shame politicians running for state office in 2023 to campaign on it, but nah, that won't work.


romanpieces t1_ird89kk wrote

I've read that since it's into NYC, they need specific qualifications to be a PATH conductor which leads to them reserving it specifically for rush hour.

I disagree and am upset about it, but some context (that I should probably double fact check)

> As Business Week explored recently, the Port Authority’s PATH system is woefully inefficient. PATH, noted the magazine, is more expensive than any comparable system and shouldn’t even be compared to Transit’s subway network. According to recent studies, the per-passenger cost of a PATH ride to Port Authority is $8.45, and the average fare of just under $2 doesn’t even cover a quarter of these costs. The New York City subway on the other hand relies on subsidies of around $1.11.

Source from 2014


nycdevil t1_ire4jfq wrote

It has to do with the fact that the PATH is (wrongly) classified as a commuter railroad, not necessarily that it goes into NYC or between states. That said, changing it would probably piss off the conductor's union, so it's not likely to happen...


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_irfek45 wrote

This, its basically a holdover for when the Path used to use Amtrak tracks before switching over to its own tracks and using a third instead of treating it like what it is, a subway line, it just gets classified as a commuter line when it really doesnt act like one since it doesnt go into the suburbs and connects major employment centers in the urban core


sapereaud33 t1_irfukct wrote

Is it fully separate now? I thought I had read that it was because it shares tunnels with Amtrak so the tracks are adjacent.


aTribeCalledLemur t1_irhfvh1 wrote

PATH and Amtrak don't share tracks, they couldn't, not even compatible. But the tracks run ride by side on the Dock bridge between Newark and Harrison.


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_irpo5d3 wrote

I think you are thinking about NJ Transit.


sapereaud33 t1_irq3sf4 wrote

Nah definitely PATH, I was wrong about the tunnels though, but PATH runs parallel/adjacent to North East Corridor near on the Newark line, and uses the Amtrak owned Dock Bridge. Both are reasons I commonly see cited for why PATH is FRA regulated, but I can't seem to find anything officially confirming that.


doltPetite t1_ircold2 wrote

Lol between that and double paying for subways to get anywhere in NYC, makes JC wayyyy less attractive. There's no good reason that it isn't just integrated into the subway and serving people on weekends....


vocabularylessons t1_ircqje9 wrote

The "good" reason is that what is now the PATH train system and the NYC subway system predate the Port Authority and the MTA, respectively, and were built to serve different areas with little integration between systems. Could they be combined now? Perhaps. But who would be in charge? I sure as heck don't want the MTA in charge of anything at all, nevermind PATH.


doltPetite t1_ird7a41 wrote

But it's a been a long ass time and several consolidations of systems later. Heck even the subway was built as multiple different systems originally. Sure the MTA has it's flaws but if they integrated the systems it would definitely a better experience. Getting to the East side or Brooklyn from JC is wayyyyy more difficult than it needs to be. It's similar to how stupid it is that nj transit and LIRR use the same rolling stock and tracks but we don't have any line to go through penn to long island. We are one region we don't need everyone to have their own separate fiefdoms.


South-Development-50 t1_ircyxjm wrote

It’s exactly why I am leaving. With all the new development here you’d think they would want to make the place as attractive as possible


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_irffioy wrote

the reason for lack of integration is that its a holdover from when NYC's subways were essentially run by two competing companies and the path was unofficially the third subway company in the region. Because of this weird competition, the path never integrated with the other systems and has been treated like the step child.

There is alot of holdover from that time too, like a planned extension of the path to Grand Central that was abandoned because the company that ran the east side subway system bought the underground land rights up to like 100 feet in order to prevent the path from building as the deeper the tunneling the more expensive it would be, etc.

While I dont think the Path should be run by MTA, I do think there needs to be a standard fare that is transferable to all the systems in the area. Does not make sense to have like 6 different transit systems and all have their own fares and price points for monthly plans


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_irjx0c6 wrote

As a train/bus enjoyer plus no family to worry about, the extra time is ultimately inconsequential and the 300/month in taxes saved very highly outweighs the 30/month in extra subway fares


Lonely-Wasabi-305 t1_ircn2vu wrote

LOLLLLLLL …. Thank you. This made me lol because for real. How is she still in office?! … she was at the JC pride parade …. Just waving from the stage.. casually. As if she just came From her afternoon (hit and ) run


Recurringferry t1_ird0x6l wrote

Weekends and late night either time it or Uber home. Consider it the cost of not living in NY


sapereaud33 t1_irfup8s wrote

Can pay for a lot of Ubers home with the lack of NYC income tax.


originaltrident t1_irclnec wrote

Makes me want to move to Manhattan next year


mmmmyah t1_irhhj60 wrote

Good luck. Every choice has its own pros and cons. If money/taxes are not a concern then Manhattan should be your first choice


Jdpetrova t1_ircvpfs wrote

Any recommendations on where to look for apts? Brokers, websites, etc?


malcior09 t1_ird5do2 wrote

The right broker is the best thing you can have, especially with the rental market being such a nightmare. We found our broker, Ignacio, on renthop and he showed us a ton of places and helped us find the right spot


atjazz t1_irdanoi wrote

Last month, PA at JSQ were collecting feedback on Path. I made sure to fill it in during rush hour even if it meant I’d get delayed by a few mins to work. Suffice to say, I gave them a mouthful.

They are conducting the same survey online too! — make sure to fill it in diligently. :)

As with any government organisation, it will take considerable time to get these changes implemented but I think they are intending to bring changes just based on the fact that they are willing to listen.


dallaskd t1_ird1omh wrote

Its horrid. Fuck paying for this horrible public transit service in the densest and most congested metro area in the US. It's a fucking embarrassment


Knobbies4Ever t1_ird653z wrote

So how do you roll? Jump the turnstile, or got one of those Venetian blind things for your rear plate when you drive through the tunnel?


[deleted] t1_iredg3f wrote



thebruns t1_irf5dkf wrote

> Block their cars from leaving for 30 minutes at a time every Saturday and Sunday.

I like this


helloder27 t1_irhcxy4 wrote

Every time I am inconvenienced by the PATH I remind myself that I don't pay the NYC city income tax of 4-5%.

And honestly if you pay attention to some individual NYC subway lines on the weekends, even they suck. Some just don't run, some have maintenance, some have terrible frequency (the F train is super crowded and has like a 12-15 min frequency on the weekends). A train frequency is like 20 mins - and they are all super crowded due to that. Plus the MTA stations are disgusting.

But yeah, the Hoboken stop needs to go. Give them their own train for the weekend. Or at least run a weekend JSQ-WTC with 10 min frequency so we can transfer over there (in addition to the NEW-WTC of 20 min freq).

We also need a JSQ-HOB service at some point. Its annoyingly hard to get to Hoboken on weekdays. (Its easier to just walk).


mmmmyah t1_irhhe6s wrote

You have the following options in increasing order of time and effort needed and effectiveness:


  1. Fill in their surveys
  2. Fill in their issues contact form:
  3. Reach out to the PATH riders council: email and
  4. Reach out directly to PATH executives
  5. Reach out to your city council members and representatives / senators
  6. Attend the Port Authority Board of Governors meeting - you have to be well prepared for this, create slides/print outs and the session will be videotaped as well as covered by the press. The board is appointed by the NJ and NY governors. I have done this once.
  7. Engage with press/journalists again with documentation of steps 1-6 if they don't bear fruit.
  8. If you have more time and money (gofundme?) then arrange for lobbyists who will go to bat for you and perform these steps on your behalf - this is how corporations get the government to do things in their favor - they hire professional lobbyists.

I will note that the online emails/reddit posts/tweets are rarely as effective as going there in person (with others if possible) and making your case in person.


littleolme73 t1_ircuzb3 wrote

"Make Jersey City Yours" 😂


SlamaCo t1_ird0s5s wrote

Tell em theres more cyclists on the other side and they’ll make it happen.


aa043 t1_irejotr wrote

Try the owners of PATH at

Most of top people there are political appointments. Remember to be nice, these people control the ports including airports and have many political connections in both parties.


Jersey-City-2468 t1_irf95u4 wrote

Whatever the Union is that represents the train conductors and staff


Public_Minute_805 t1_is0hcgs wrote

You have to get mad and rile up politicians on the NJ side about unequal treatment vs NY, that's the only thing that ever works.

Remind them how PATH on weekends used to be direct during the daytime (no Hoboken detour) but that was suspended in 2006 "temporarily" for work on the WTC station. It took so long no one noticed when the station was finished but service never returned. PATH customer service will now actually try to deny this service even ever existed.


Western_End_2276 t1_irggrhk wrote

Why are you complaining about that, maybe you are a newbie to jersey like most here, but at least we don’t have to wait for the ferry.