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keepseeing444 t1_irkwhq2 wrote

Here’s most recent data from our neighbors in NYC.

“63 percent of the charter students in grades 3 through 8 passed the state math exam this year, compared to 46 percent in traditional public schools. And 57 percent of charter students were proficient in English Language Arts, compared to 47 percent in regular public schools.”

Also important to note majority of NYC charters cater to low income Black and Hispanic students, historically lower achievers than White and Asian students. Charters are popular for this very reason and very necessary when public schools are such shitshow.


AshIsAWolf t1_irlc4oc wrote

> Charter schools dont actually perform any better than public schools, and actually result in a net decrease in educational attainment because there is less money for public schools.

Meanwhile this study found during that period that nyc charters enrolled significantly less esl students, disabled students, and poor students, and had 8 times the rate of suspensions.

This investigation found that 155 of 183 charter schools had disciplinary policies in violation of federal or state civil rights laws in New York city

This investigation found that success academies, which was mentioned in the article you posted, expelled massive numbers of students. At one school 1 in 5 students who started at that school was expelled by the end of the year