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flapjack212 t1_itlkevl wrote

i already see the other guy that posted here saying they had some positive experience with seeclickfix got downvoted, but i'll also state i've had mixed but generally positive experiences. i've submitted probably a dozen or more tickets over the past few years.

- resolved with 24-48 hours include broken streetlights, obstructed pathways due to overgrowth, broken traffic signals, clogged sewers

- never resolved include confusing traffic signals or signs, unsafe intersections

it's pretty obvious to me what seeclickfix is good for vs not. the first set are very tactical fixes with people specifically tasked every single day with doing the thing you need fixed, they just don't know it was broken until you tell them.

the second set is more structural, requires policy review, traffic study, police enforcement (god forbid?!). i don't want to oversell the difference because any reasonable person can stand at these intersections and deem them unsafe and think of reasonable solutions, and it IS someone's job to do that. but it's also not hard to see these are inherently differently from potholes.

i plan to keep submitting both forms of ticket either way, i'm glad they redesigned columbus drive for example... i note my personal experience is isolated to downtown.