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TheObliviousPickle t1_irt7ddj wrote

Did you watch the video? She was fucked up. And if that’s her “sober” then she definitely isn’t fit to drive let alone be apart of our local government making decisions. Some shady shit went on with that investigation


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_irt9bt2 wrote

There are a variety of medical reasons that could cause that too especially in a 70 year old woman. Top 2 things that come to mind are dehydration and a severe UTI(I’ve witnessed this from some old ladies in my own family - had no idea until I saw it the first time.)

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t care for her, but it’s not necessarily alcohol or illicit drugs.


FunCandy8149 t1_iu6xpcn wrote

She has a medical condition that isn’t it. She will step down soon


bram_phetamine t1_irvx71s wrote

That'd be one thing, but she's 36.


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_irvxh98 wrote

Definitely not. Cunningham was born in 1950, she’s 71.

You’re talking about Degise.

Edit: punctuation