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alex12m OP t1_itpyfzo wrote

I definitely agree with everything you said, although I didn’t move here from NYC- I moved here from south Jersey since my new job was in Manhattan. But I heard Jersey City had lots to do and was fun and had a bunch of young singles. And that the apartments were so much better than you would get in NYC (space, parking, amenities). It definitely seems like the NYC crowd moved in all over Jersey City including the West Side because even a “luxury” building down the street from me is charging $2450 for a 1 bedroom and they wouldn’t do that unless there were people that were willing to pay (probably NYCers). But at least they have a pool lol.


Morkitu t1_itqk6r0 wrote

Well Jersey City is still in redevelopment, so hopefully the quality of life will improve for the prices. Hopefully the "juice will be worth the squeeze". Best wishes to you!