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The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_itwsiz8 wrote

Running groups could be a way to make friends. You can also try other workout classes. I've met friends that way.


edk5 t1_itwyhoo wrote

Barcade has a ton of games and good craft beer.


ILoveHotDogsAndBacon t1_itx2gas wrote

What are your hobbies and interests? Join a group w like minded people


Angrykittie13 t1_itx7pkd wrote

There’s a huge Indian community here in JC and I’ve seen plenty of events where you could meet people. Also events where other newbies get together and explore the city. Have you tried next door? You can meet people in your area, and there’s also where you can go to events based on your interests. I feel like many of us feel or have felt like you when we first arrived. You’re not alone 🙏😊🙌🏻


gigiwasabi_jc t1_itxaxe3 wrote

It can be hard to meet people as an adult. It’s not just you. Things that have helped me: volunteering, meeting other dog owners, taking classes. With activities like that, you have something in common from the start and it’s easier to start a conversation.


Illustrious-Elk4597 t1_itxi4ka wrote

A lot of times there are spare paddles, but people are on the courts all morning and all afternoon/evening. You go and start with the 0-1 level and then work your way up as you get better. The different courts are marked for different levels and they’re usually a good amount of people across them all. It’s super fun and inclusive


ribasad t1_itxinml wrote

If you are ever craving a taste of home, visit Journal Square for some of the best variety of pretty authentic & reasonably priced Indian food.


vocabularylessons t1_itxldkn wrote

Drugs /s

Join a meetup group for socializing, sports, volunteering.


wrdsfrtngrs t1_itxseno wrote

I have a hard time making friends and, while it’s a huge responsibility, getting a dog has made me feel so much more social. The dog park has become a huge part of my day, even though it doesn’t necessarily carry over into other social events. It’s just nice seeing people consistently and slowly getting to know them. I’ve met such kind people there and it’s made me feel so much less alone.

I don’t recommend just getting a dog unless it’s something you were already curious or interested in. It’s just brought so much joy to my life in a way I didn’t really expect.


an_iconoclast t1_itye0fk wrote

If you are feeling homesick, spend some time in India Street in Journal Square. Plenty of Indian community in Newport area as well.

It happens (loneliness after you come from another place by yourself). I moved here from India last Nov, but don't feel lonely (I'm introvert. I don't mind being alone).

It would be hard for me to suggest anything better than what others would advise. Best of luck!


ShartistKutti t1_itzl4b6 wrote

There are quite a few local meet up groups here on reddit, as well as on Facebook. Look into joining them! It can be daunting to try and make new friends in a new country, but the best thing is you get to explore who you are outside of your comfort zone! Newark Avenue in JSQ has a ton of amazing indian restaurants and cafes. You could also join a local trivia night! Check out O'Hara's for a good trivia night, or even the Pet Shop in Downtown! Both are teaming with friendly locals who'd be more than happy to chat.

Good Luck!


One_Bell_2607 t1_iu011h5 wrote

what do you name as a good job, just curious


Tankmaster5000 t1_iu091tp wrote

You like beer? I like beer. Come join me and my friends for some beer.


RogerBuoy t1_iu0lxoo wrote

Take evening walks at waterfront, nice refreshing place where you’d see people. Find a hobby that you could just do after work. Try getting proactive on Meetup events of your interest. I can relate to this, I think it’s just a point where you should start looking for a partner and use dating apps/sites and get to know people. Hopefully that’ll give you something to look forward to and make you happy if you find someone. Consider getting small pets like rabbit/hamster or something if you not up for a dog but need easy to manage kinda pet. Try joining one of the desi bollywood dance classes around, would endup meeting lot of desis.


jj302 t1_iu154u6 wrote

Get into dating. Other than that try sports like swimming, running. Join clubs and communities. You gotta get active otherwise nothing gonna change and you will get even more depressed.

Going to bars and getting know people is also a good idea. Jersey people are very friendly.