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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_irt0vg5 wrote

The sad part is, we, collectively, are not very smart, or we would be electing better leadership.


orb_king t1_irw04au wrote

I don’t think machine state politics are quite that simple, unfortunately.


LossClassic683 t1_irt3rbv wrote

*Paul Fireman


LateralEntry OP t1_irtc0s0 wrote

Thank you. Point being, he’s a scooby doo villain trying to pave over our park


[deleted] t1_irvr2rz wrote

Which park. ???? I love scooby doo


LateralEntry OP t1_irvt17g wrote

Paul Fireman is a billionaire who owns a tacky golf course next to Liberty State Park that costs $500k+ to join. He's been trying for years to expand his golf course, by destroying Caven Point, a bird sanctuary within the park that's open to the public, and paving it over and putting up a wall around it so you can't visit.


Vertigo963 t1_irtjdwh wrote

Hey, what if it was illegal to have a billion dollars? Just a thought.


LateralEntry OP t1_irtjmqn wrote

I don’t begrudge Paul Fireman his money, I begrudge that he’s trying to use it to pave over a bird sanctuary to expand a golf club for rich people. Forget that noise


Slight_Paint4487 t1_irwvr9p wrote

So then Paul fireman uses his $999 million to push for expanding his golf course.


podkayne3000 t1_irufw7z wrote

Supposedly the plan has already gotten through the legislature and is a done deal.

I'm hoping the person who told me that is wrong and misunderstood what's going on.


BenevolentCheese t1_iruvcxd wrote

I tore down 9 in a single intersection, 2-3 on each corner. Zero accountability. Just does it illegal shit to get what he wants and is slapped with a trivial fine.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_irt27wr wrote

Why are you against this? Imagine how much money he could make! This would be a great investment for him!



DieselNewmanArthur t1_iruviyc wrote

That’s terrible, is this going forward?


[deleted] t1_irvr8pa wrote



DieselNewmanArthur t1_irvumym wrote

Aren’t they making a golf course and removing some of the park?


mikevago t1_irw40pg wrote

That's what Fireman's been trying to do for decades, but thus far the city and the state have stopped him. State Senator Brian Stack introduced a bill that would open up the park to private development, and squashed a bill that would protect Caven Point from developers. Then, after some backlash, introduced a bill to protect Caven Point.

If that passes, then our public land (and vital habitat to several threatened bird and fish species) is safe. Except the governor is pals with Fireman. So it's going to come down to who Phil Murphy values more — each and every one of his constituents put together, or one out-of-state bilionaire.


[deleted] t1_irvqxgg wrote

How is he going to pave over the park. Looks like a park. Isn’t there a pile of contaminated waste in the park???


LateralEntry OP t1_irvt4th wrote

Paul Fireman is a billionaire who owns a tacky golf course next to Liberty State Park that costs $500k+ to join. He's been trying for years to expand his golf course, by destroying Caven Point, a bird sanctuary within the park that's open to the public, and paving it over and putting up a wall around it so you can't visit.


mbastor24 t1_irunbgc wrote

I thought Paul Fireman already had all the legal authority he needs. These flyers are a red herring.


skaleywags t1_irt9zyy wrote

Paul Firestone eh? Sounds like you're very well informed.


LateralEntry OP t1_irtby26 wrote

Shut up


Tina_Las_Vegas t1_irvhjki wrote

You should’ve rolled with it OP. He doesn’t deserve to be called by his real name!


skaleywags t1_irtcgqv wrote

Wow. Good one. Maybe you can use that on Paul Firestone. Whoever that is.
