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dorkishj OP t1_iu0mas5 wrote

I have seen them parked in the bike lane! And on Montgomery near the Taste of North China restaurant there was about 4 or 5 of them hanging out thing rhe whole edge of the sidewalk. They wouldn't budge for anyone. There has to be rules for them. It's like the delivery car near the same area parked in the cross walk. When will cops do anything? It's not fair for the ones who obey the traffic rules and are not the issue.


xxteargodxx t1_iu2indt wrote

I agree with you, I hate people that park in the bike lane. I see so many double parkers in Hoboken it's unreal and annoys the piss out of me. What irks my nerves is when I ride down Washington Street (Back side of the mall outside of Gregory's Coffee) I see double parked cars all the time in the bike lane, even parked cyclists/mopeds too! Wish they'd get on the fucking sidewalk if they aren't on a delivery, and want to bullshit with each other.


dasuberblonde t1_iu0olgx wrote

Yeah but you have the same luck ticketing cars for being in the bike lane as much as you have the same luck trying to report cyclists. The city won’t do anything on either fronts, so right now we’re all fucked and inconveniencing each other lol


nerdiestnerdballer t1_iu12orm wrote

Someone should ride an e-bike into their car full speed then send them a bill for the damages too. You were illegally parked in a bike lane 🤷‍♂️


dasuberblonde t1_iu21d0t wrote

Sometimes I kick their doors on my way by just to be chaotic.