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Indecisively t1_iu0vhym wrote

Of course they’re not going to tell you it’s overkill to your face. I can only go off the information you provided. Based on that, an ambulance seems like overkill for a “bruise that hurts 😢”. You can receive medical care with utilizing emergency services in a non-emergency.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0wvbh wrote

It's really none of your business, though. :) unless you want to pay my medical bill... then sure? Have a good day :)


Indecisively t1_iu0z36o wrote

You’re the one who posted your business here and now you’re mad. Lol you have a good day too. Hope your bruise heals without complication. 😁


dorkishj OP t1_iu0zwuh wrote

Who's mad?

I'm good :) thanks 😊


Indecisively t1_iu112x2 wrote

Lol maybe “defensive” would’ve been a better word choice. Nevertheless, I didn’t ask but glad you’re “good”. Have a good day :) and get well soon! 😉
