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xxteargodxx t1_iu2i7gp wrote

I'm sorry this happened to you, hope you feel better and make a quick speedy recovery soon. As someone myself who delivers Uber Eats on bike (I use a regular pedal CitiBike. And no, definitely was not me who you encountered on Montgomery & Washington. I don't wear hats).

I myself try and stay in the bike lane as much as I can, the only time I'm ever riding on the sidewalk is when I get off the light rail taking deliveries from Hoboken into JC (Sometimes it's quicker to hop the train if it's on time! Since I can be a bit slow at times). I will ride through the tunnel to the street, that's about it.

But I do agree with you, some people that ride e-bikes/electric moped-ish looking things can be a real pain in the ass.


dorkishj OP t1_iu2m885 wrote

I always pass considerate riders who slow down when on a side walk. I am just so tired ofthr ones who whiz by and don't care if they hit someone or even something hurting themselves.

But thank you. I'll recover. It's not a Break just a really nasty bruise. My hip hurts. It could have been worse. The road to shoprite was closed off snd he rode on the street. And I get it he was working and it's hard to maneuver around construction. But he could have slowed down. I always complain and never been hit before. Today was my karma for always complaining lol. But a job is a job and I'll never judge someone for riding on the sidewalk. They may feel safer. But they need to be considerate and safe is all