Submitted by dorkishj t3_yewkg6 in jerseycity

I just got clipped on my side by an Uber eats delivery man on one of those motorized bikes. I almost fell and instead of stopping he said I should have moved and drove on by. This is going to leave a huge bruise and it hurt 😢 . I have the ambulance and police coming. But enough is enough. Why are they so terrible?



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edk5 t1_iu0bmpy wrote

An ebike driver nailed me on the sidewalk in front of gia gelato a month ago and my wrist is still messed up. Unfortunately JCPD won't enforce outside of those posted up on Newark assigned to do just that, so I think we pedestrians must take matters into our own hands.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0bvb7 wrote

I plan to. He is lucky It was me and not my child or my mother. Because I can handle it. It's wrong for him and how he acted. I am so mad. Are they supposed to have license plates??


Simple-Television-27 t1_iu11bbu wrote

Vigilante justice. carry a stick.


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_iu15fyh wrote

Not even vigilante, would immediately fight that person


Simple-Television-27 t1_iu16qum wrote

I was walking my dog at 8pm last Saturday when an e-bike comes laying down the sidewalk at 30 mph. I yell “Woah! Woah! Sidewalk!” The punk kid yells “fuck you!”. To which I yell back some obscenities. To which the kid, now 50 feet away calls me a pussy. I wish I had the opportunity to fight him.

They’ll learn.


dorkishj OP t1_iu247tp wrote

Yeah they have some nerve. Some are just so nasty. I wish I could have gotten this person's info. I'm not one to start a fight with a man in the street- especially if I'm hurt. But if they're going to be employed by Uber eats or grubhub they need to have some sort of license plate so people can report certain drivers. They're very sloppy. Some aren't bad. I've seen some really cautious ones but man, the ones who fly on their bikes are obnoxious.


jersey385 t1_iu0ldgf wrote

I disagree that the ambulance is overkill. All these incidents should be reported. I doubt the cops will do anything because apparently they don’t ever do anything, but then when you sue the city because you are really hurt they can’t say they didn’t know. At the risk of sounding overly Karen-esque these assholes are a serious hazard and you have almost no recourse because many are undocumented and they are all uninsured.


Hot-Ad2515 t1_iu0oj5g wrote

No way that's Karen esque. They're dangerous. They hit people. They hurt people. And they're cuns about it.


Indecisively t1_iu0twri wrote

You can report an incident without calling an ambulance. You can even go to the hospital and receive medical care without an ambulance.


jersey385 t1_iu1731z wrote

Absolutely and sometimes it’s even more efficient. And sometimes you need an ambulance.


dorkishj OP t1_iu1qdv7 wrote

I needed the ambulance. I couldn't walk. I had to sit on the side walk. It's going to leave some bruise and it's all ready very noticeable.


jersey385 t1_iu23liw wrote

I’m sorry to hear that and I’m more than willing to stipulate to the fact that most adults know when they need an ambulance. Not sure why this is a bone of contention for some people.


JCVigilante t1_iu2vmka wrote

They may have been trying to help because in many cases an ambulance is not covered by insurance. I learned this the hard way; got stuck with an $800 bill for a ride from JSQ to JCMC once. I didn’t understand at the time why the EMTs were asking if I wanted them to drive my son to the hospital or wanted to just take a cab.


Indecisively t1_iu17vov wrote

Absolutely, and sometimes it’s more important to post on Reddit before seeking “emergency” medical care.. oh wait…


dorkishj OP t1_iu1q6m9 wrote

See that's where you're completely wrong. I was waiting for them on the sidewalk and then I posted. You must be a scorned cyclist ....


nerdiestnerdballer t1_iu120on wrote

In nyc they made it a felony to hit and run on these things because someone died. It will probably get to that point here too


Ajkrouse t1_iu2cft7 wrote

The person who died was hit by a Vespa like scooter not an e-bike


MichaelDeMarcoCEO t1_iu0e81w wrote

honestly if you see someone riding on the sidewalk you gotta be crazy hostile to them


DifficultyNext7666 t1_iu0s7th wrote

Nope. I, a white guy, am not going to yell at a minority for any reason in this area.

That's just asking to have an out of context video put up on reddit and me losing a job.


Indecisively t1_iu0wb9q wrote

Oh yeah, white guys have it so hard in this area. Gotta stay alert with those “minorities” amirite!


DifficultyNext7666 t1_iu0y9f4 wrote

I didn't say white guys have it hard. I said a white person publicly berating a minority wouldn't go well.

Which your response proves out


Indecisively t1_iu0z7of wrote

Lol whatever helps you sleep at night.

ETA: your comment history shows a disfavorable opinion of minorities. For the record, black people do not hate Jewish people as you’ve claimed recently.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_iu17ou3 wrote

lol dude, going through my history to try to discredit me? Then you took what i said completely out of context to paint me a racist? Jeez, i wonder where my fear of any confrontation being taken out of context came from.

I said studies have shown 25% of black people have strong anti-semitic beliefs, which means we cant say its a few people and we need to acknowledge their are real issues between their communities.


dorkishj OP t1_iu1qnhs wrote

I wouldn't even mind that one. His/her boyfrkend looks at naked females all day.. so he/she is bored and upset.


Indecisively t1_iu18lni wrote

Ahh yes, I did see you post your statistics (from a Libertarian blog?) on why black people hate Jewish people. By all means keep posting biased studies that justify your racists beliefs.

Keep in mind your exact quote was “The black community doesn’t like Jewish people”. But sure, that was taken out of context.

What’s next? Are you going to post FBI statistics that say black people are more violent or that white people are killed by the police more often?


DifficultyNext7666 t1_iu1a277 wrote

So in your mind the Jewish people have a strong biased reason to paint black people as anti semites? Possibly control a media narrative about it?

Because i posted a study on anti semitism that one finding was break down by race. 1 in 4 black people are STRONGLY antisemitic.


Indecisively t1_iu1gfhx wrote

You posted a survey not a study and it was garbage for many reasons. Your interpretation is misleading and in some ways just wrong.

  1. Survey did not distinguish between strongly or slightly anti-Semitic. So you saying that 25% (survey said 23%) of black people are “STRONGLY anti-Semitic” is just false. That is you projecting your own opinions/bias.

  2. The survey was not extensive. They telephoned 280 black people across the country and asked a non-consistent list of questions (meaning the wording changed slightly). That sample size is too small when trying to make generalizations about a population of 41 million.

  3. The organization who funded the study is biased. I’m not writing them off completely because I haven’t done enough research but they have a long history of using their authority against Islamic, Black, and queer people.

I’m not saying that antisemitism doesn’t exist in the black or really all communities. But you stating “the black community hates Jewish people” is blatantly incorrect and does more harm than good.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_iu1n3ez wrote

  1. This proves my point. 25% vs 23% is not a mischaracterization. Neither is using the word strongly me inserting bias when the word they used was "highly". You're in fact lying about the study I guess assuming people won't double check you.

  2. That's like a 6% margin of error. Maybe you're just wrong and dont understand survey design, but I can't help but notice you lie or use half truths whenever it suits you.

  3. Oh so the jews can't be trusted and are biased against the black community? Not the rebuttal you think it is.


Indecisively t1_iu24fcv wrote

You’re twisting words and phrasing things in ways that help your stance. I didn’t say “Jews can’t be trusted”, you did. I said that the organization that denied the Armenian Genocide and conflates anti-Zionism with antisemitism is biased. I stand by that. I can support the Jewish community and not blindly support a mostly political organization.

There’s a reason you’ve had comments removed for hate speech. You obviously have racial bias against black people and other minorities and no shame about it. Maybe I needed the wake up call that being black in Jersey City will be seen as a threat. Especially downtown and the waterfront areas. Regardless, I’m done with this conversation. There’s nothing to gain here.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_iu25g2a wrote

Oh wow, you lied again to serve your own interests. I'm shocked, Shocked I say!

>So, let me be crystal clear: the first genocide of the 20th century is no different. What happened in the Ottoman Empire to the Armenians beginning in 1915 was genocide. The genocide began with the ruling government arresting and executing several hundred Armenian intellectuals. After that, Armenian families were removed from their homes and sent on death marches. The Armenian people were subjected to deportation, expropriation, abduction, torture, massacre and starvation.

So it's not all jews who can't be trusted. Just these jews. For a reason that was a complete fabrication.

Dude I wish you'd have been done with this conversation way earlier. Or learned to lie better. Because every response you had was idiotic


Indecisively t1_iuafd8w wrote

Everything you say is in bad faith. I did not lie or fabricate anything.

After denying the Armenian Genocide for years in 2016 the ADL released the statement you linked due to the public backlash they received.

Here’s an article that explains the controversy and backlash they received. You can find many more by googling “ADL Armenian Genocide denial”


[deleted] t1_iu1ozfh wrote



Indecisively t1_iu28h8t wrote

Please explain how finding fault in someone saying that they won’t engage with minorities in this area makes me the racist.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0ljew wrote

I realized that. Sadly I don't know if I can being some of them are nasty and my anxiety is through the roof when it comes to nasty people all ready :( but I will make sure I'm careful because they sure aren't looking out for me


dasuberblonde t1_iu0loan wrote

There’s no winning here. I ride electric citibikes all the time. When there’s no more bike lane, you either have to choose the sidewalk or the street. Legally cyclists would have to be in the street rather than the sidewalk, but if the street is dangerous or someone parked in the bike lane, then cyclists are kind of forced onto the sidewalk. The answer is more bike lanes. When will Uber eats drivers stop forcing me into the street when they park in the bike lane?


fuzedz t1_iu0zuy6 wrote

Legally there’s no “but”. Youre not allowed on the sidewalk and if you do you need to be walking the bike


akowz t1_iu0yrwm wrote

Electric bicycles traveling at or above the speed limit (as many do) should be in the street to begin with. Not in bike lanes.

The answer to this specific problem is not more bike lanes, but to treat the functional equivalent (at least in urban traffic) of motorcycles as motorcycles.


bobroberts12345 t1_iu10rll wrote

I'm pro e-mobility but I agree that any electric micro-mobilty that can travel over 20mph should need some type of registration/regulation


samwiseganja96 t1_iu1eibj wrote

The crazy thing is that they do. NJ has some of the most robust motorized bike laws in the country. Jersey city seriously drops the ball on this at every corner. I've tried to talk to James Solomon about it for the past 2 years and his response is always that they are working on it. 2 years ago he said they were working on a plan and that he would send me the details. I've reached out recently about it and he still doesn't have a plan.

The legal powers that would allow enhanced enforcement of bike laws in Jersey City are there. The laws exist and are robust. Yet Jersey City police doesn't want anything to do with it because of liabilities.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0mas5 wrote

I have seen them parked in the bike lane! And on Montgomery near the Taste of North China restaurant there was about 4 or 5 of them hanging out thing rhe whole edge of the sidewalk. They wouldn't budge for anyone. There has to be rules for them. It's like the delivery car near the same area parked in the cross walk. When will cops do anything? It's not fair for the ones who obey the traffic rules and are not the issue.


xxteargodxx t1_iu2indt wrote

I agree with you, I hate people that park in the bike lane. I see so many double parkers in Hoboken it's unreal and annoys the piss out of me. What irks my nerves is when I ride down Washington Street (Back side of the mall outside of Gregory's Coffee) I see double parked cars all the time in the bike lane, even parked cyclists/mopeds too! Wish they'd get on the fucking sidewalk if they aren't on a delivery, and want to bullshit with each other.


dasuberblonde t1_iu0olgx wrote

Yeah but you have the same luck ticketing cars for being in the bike lane as much as you have the same luck trying to report cyclists. The city won’t do anything on either fronts, so right now we’re all fucked and inconveniencing each other lol


nerdiestnerdballer t1_iu12orm wrote

Someone should ride an e-bike into their car full speed then send them a bill for the damages too. You were illegally parked in a bike lane 🤷‍♂️


dasuberblonde t1_iu21d0t wrote

Sometimes I kick their doors on my way by just to be chaotic.


assanza t1_iu15a6n wrote

You absolutely DO NOT go on the sidewalk, especially if it's an electric bicycle or scooter, regardless of whether the bike lane is blocked or not. You have no right to put others in danger for your choice of riding a bicycle with a non-perfect bike infrastructure.

I'm sick and tired of seeing escooters and ebikes on the sidewalk. Take responsibility. Ride on the bike lane (even that's questionable) or with car traffic or stop altogether if you feel unsafe. But don't put others in danger.


dasuberblonde t1_iu212v4 wrote

Boo hoo, go cry about it. I'm sick and tired of people parking their fucking cars in the bike lane. If I'm stuck and have nowhere to go, I'm getting around it somehow, your tears be damned. Lick my ass.


CatDaddyLoser69 t1_iu3xhai wrote

Just like you’re afraid of dying on your bike, people walking on the sidewalk are at risk of being injured and even dying from bikes on sidewalks. So why don’t you lick your own selfish ass.


assanza t1_iu2bait wrote

I hate cars parked in the bike lane as much as anyone else. And when it is blocked, I go on the road, not on the sidewalk, like an adult. Because I respect other people's health and it's not up to me to endanger them because I feel 'unsafe' to ride with traffic.


bobroberts12345 t1_iu10ik0 wrote

Totally agree, the data shows that safe riding behavior sky rockets when bicyclists have a dedicated protected bike lane. Most of these delivery workers are just trying to stay safe as they make a tough living.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iu14fsu wrote

No one is forcing you onto the sidewalk. If you can't stay in the street you shouldn't be riding.


dasuberblonde t1_iu21ge6 wrote

If you can't stay out of the bike lane, then you shouldn't be driving.


dorkishj OP t1_iu24jv4 wrote

That is true too. I don't know any driver who thinks it's a good idea to park in the bike lane. I only see delivery drivers park there and irs wrong and dangerous for cyclist. I totally agree with that. They should be safe too.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iu24oad wrote

Very true. I will point out that both JC and Hoboken have done a crappy job of maintaining both the stripes and the plastic poles. One spot in particular, Harrison between Observer and NY Ave, the stripe is gone and it creates a hazard for drivers who know the bike lane is there! Several times when I've kept left out of the bike lane I've had asshole drivers pull up to the right of me in the bike lane even though the block ends in a single lane right turn only.

Also the daylighting combined with the bike lanes creates an untenable situation for delivery drivers. Some blocks there's now simply no place to pull over except double parking in the bike lane, and they have to get their job done. This is where engineering rather than enforcement has created a shitshow.


el_leon_vago t1_iu14nu7 wrote

The delivery e-bikes and e-mopeds are dismantling a lot of the good work local bike orgs have accomplished over the years.

Im curious to know if any of these gig apps have some kind of onboarding process to at least make these delivery people aware of laws. We need to start holding the delivery apps accountable too.

I understand that these are workers that are moving as fast as they can to get their deliveries done, which we all utilize, but they need to be taught the rules and possibly assessed.

These gig apps don't care that their delivery people are breaking laws, hurting themselves, and others...they just see dispensable labor.


dorkishj OP t1_iu17jba wrote

The ER physician told me that alot of them operate under family or friends socials abd alot are not even us citizens.


madmanxwater t1_iu4365r wrote

I know I may sound like a reactionary nut job but Jersey City has become a lawless, Wild West city: motorized and non-motorized bikes on the sidewalks have nearly knocked me down many times. Once I was lucky that I got pushed into a lamppost when a biker coming up from behind me knocked into me. If it wasn’t for that lamppost I would have ended up in the street on Kennedy Blvd. and I don’t want to think about what would have happened to me. Add to this the screeching, racing cars that have become so prevalent in many areas. Of course we do have strictly enforced laws here for the really important things: parking!


mrnomer2000 t1_iu4tlsj wrote

This makes me think of the lawsuit filed long ago against Dominos back when they had a 30-minute delivery guarantee. The pressure on the drivers was leading to crashes, so Dominos was sued for encouraging bad behavior and they settled and ended the guarantee.

As gig workers, these delivery guys aren't being "forced' to break rules to meet a deadline. But the gig grind does seem to force them to work as fast and loose as possible to make money. The consequences are paid by all of us.

Can't sue Grubhub or whoever to make them stop because they aren't technically forcing any bad behavior. And tackling each rider one by one as they screw up doesn't seem practical either. And thus we are stuck with this until maybe someone dies.

For the record I like to ride bikes and I hate that these guys color everyone's opinion of cyclists. I feel like the only nerd who actually stops at stop lights and signs, but I'm in no hurry.


dorkishj OP t1_iu4v7kc wrote

Ive seen cyclists stop at red lights. They know what they're doing! You have buttheads everywhere who just don't care and it ruins it foe the people who do care. Just today bringing my son to school someone kept ringing a bell, I turned around and it was a woman on a bike.. she was rushing us to move on a busy sidewalk so she can get by. I wondered why she just doesn't ride in the street. But i don't know her story, maybe she got hit by a car and was traumatized. Who knows. We all need to just work together to stay safe. Jersey city needs to be a community and we need to work with eachother. Unfortunately I've seen nothing but nastiness and rude people within the last 10 years. It sucks.


MrLurker698 t1_iu0iy9f wrote

It should be legal to push anyone riding a bike on the sidewalk over. Just walk it if you’re on the sidewalk.

To be clear: I do not apply this wish to children learning to ride on the sidewalk.


SyndicalistCPA t1_iu178m7 wrote

If witnesses didn't see anything, everything is legal, nah mean?


one-mo-gin t1_iu13o57 wrote

I’m so sorry! It’s actually insane how both bikers (let’s be honestly, mostly just delivery guys) and drivers act in JC. I see so many cars turning on red when they shouldn’t, blowing through stop lights, or just not stopping at stop signs.

We really, really need an effective city council to curb all this BS.


dorkishj OP t1_iu14cpu wrote

Oh drivers suck too! I had to push my son full force out of the street when we had the light and someone decided to do a uturn real fast almost hitting us. Every time I think of that day i want to cry at how close my son was from getting hit. People just are always in a rush to go nowhere. But when they hit someone they still don't care.


XcheatcodeX t1_iu3tpd1 wrote

The delivery people on motorbikes are a nuisance. They observe zero laws, riding on sidewalks, not stopping at stop signs, blowing through red lights. We’re way passed the point where cops should be pulling them over and ticketing. They do whatever they want because there’s zero consequences for whatever they do


Ajkrouse t1_iu2cr1c wrote

I'm sorry this happened to you. To be honest, the problem is that JC infrastructure sucks so the ability for bikes, cars, and pedestrians is in a bad spot.


dorkishj OP t1_iu2dtpu wrote

I concur.

I'm just mad at how he handled it. Instead of stopping to see if inwas ok.


Aggravating-Ad-8001 t1_iu2eysv wrote

Jersey City cops don’t enforce traffic laws (for cars). What makes you think they’re going to enforce anything for bikes?


The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_iu0h6ce wrote

For real. One almost hit me a week ago and since then all I think about is what if I was walking my puppy who loves to walk in zig-zags in front of me.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0ipe2 wrote

That is so sad that we can't even feel safe walking on the side walk. They ride too fast and they don't obey traffic laws. But they get away with it. :( and most if them are nasty people! My mother was on chemo and she was slow walking across the street, and one almost hit her and called her a bitch and all I could think about was what if he hit her? She'd be dead.. she was fragile back then. And she had the light. I yelled at him but couldn't do much. Now that I got hit I'm always going to worry 😟 even yesterday there's a boy who rides a city bike. I believe he stole it as he was going super fast, dropped his hat and everything trying to get away... and I seen him this morning on the bike riding very fast around young school aged children on Montgomery and Washington. It scares me.


RegisColon t1_iu294i2 wrote

Sorry to the responsible bike riders, but the vast majority of you are trash. No respect for traffic laws whatsoever. You see that red light? That means ‘stop’ for you too.


hammaulsbeer t1_iu2ead7 wrote

Nobody in this city has respect for traffic laws. Cyclists, cars, pedestrians - nobody. E bikes and smaller motor bikes are the absolute worst. And as I’m sure has been stated police won’t/don’t do anything.


xxteargodxx t1_iu2i7gp wrote

I'm sorry this happened to you, hope you feel better and make a quick speedy recovery soon. As someone myself who delivers Uber Eats on bike (I use a regular pedal CitiBike. And no, definitely was not me who you encountered on Montgomery & Washington. I don't wear hats).

I myself try and stay in the bike lane as much as I can, the only time I'm ever riding on the sidewalk is when I get off the light rail taking deliveries from Hoboken into JC (Sometimes it's quicker to hop the train if it's on time! Since I can be a bit slow at times). I will ride through the tunnel to the street, that's about it.

But I do agree with you, some people that ride e-bikes/electric moped-ish looking things can be a real pain in the ass.


dorkishj OP t1_iu2m885 wrote

I always pass considerate riders who slow down when on a side walk. I am just so tired ofthr ones who whiz by and don't care if they hit someone or even something hurting themselves.

But thank you. I'll recover. It's not a Break just a really nasty bruise. My hip hurts. It could have been worse. The road to shoprite was closed off snd he rode on the street. And I get it he was working and it's hard to maneuver around construction. But he could have slowed down. I always complain and never been hit before. Today was my karma for always complaining lol. But a job is a job and I'll never judge someone for riding on the sidewalk. They may feel safer. But they need to be considerate and safe is all


Vegetable-Crow-3497 t1_iu40oq2 wrote

We need to start clothes-lining these fuckers off their bikes.


dorkishj OP t1_iu411t9 wrote

I just laughed out loud to that 🤣🤣🤣


Able-Space t1_iu4uba1 wrote

I watch cars run red lights and stop signs on a daily basis. To address pedestrian safety we need to provide bike safety. To provide bike safety we need to change car culture. And with no one enforcing shit driving in this city, nothing will change. In Jersey City a city councilperson can commit a hit and run on camera and still sit in public office. If you really want to create safer streets, pay attention to local politics, follow Safe Streets JC, and hold public officials accountable. Otherwise we will all be left for dead.


Laterdays82 t1_iu2sxny wrote

Agreed they are a real problem, but you called an ambulance bc you "almost fell"?


dorkishj OP t1_iu2uojp wrote

I got hit in my side. I all ready have hip issues. I couldn't walk without severe pain. They said I was severely bruised


Hot-Ad2515 t1_iu0o8up wrote

You should have held his ass. That way you can get appropriately compensated if he has any type of insurance. He takes from you now you have to be made whole. These dirtbags fly through the city. They're dangerous. That's why I don't give a rats ass when they run red lights and get hit by Amy DeGise. Amy should have thrown it in reverse.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_iu0s63x wrote

Clearly, you wouldn't mind me taking the mirrors off, keying, and slashing the tires of every driver illegally parked in the bike lane. They are breaking the law and are dangerous when a cyclist is coming down the lane only to face a choice of swerving into traffic or slamming into the car. So I will go ahead and take care of these dangerous people just like you want.


dasuberblonde t1_iu21lvm wrote

I would like to start a vigilante group of cyclists who go around vandalizing cars that park in the bike lanes. If the police won't do it, we take justice into our own hands


Hot-Ad2515 t1_iu0tb2k wrote

Hey Jerome, next time you nearly clip my kids at the cross walk be ready to get a pipe in those spokes


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_iu2gj9j wrote

Sure thing. I'll be glad to get a "pipe in the spokes" of my nonexistent bicycle and get you shipped off to prison anyways.


Hot-Ad2515 t1_iu2xu05 wrote

Shipped off to prison for sticking a pipe in your nonexistent bicycle? The hell are you talking about?


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_iu4mhib wrote

LMAO buddy's stumped 🤣 you better haul your ass back to Sussex County if you don't want me punching out your illegally parked car


Hot-Ad2515 t1_iu4ycft wrote

I guess you'll be the one going to prison Mr. ! 🤓 I hope you know I'm from the greatest county in New Jersey, and that's not Sussex.


Lucky_Beat_8550 t1_iu3pf66 wrote

This thread is full of some real shitty people complaining about something most cities around the world have had for years. Relax white people, it’s ok.


IamLars t1_iu0ph72 wrote

I was told in /r/Hoboken the other day that posts like this are obviously just anti-bike rants and that we shouldn't talk about this stuff because cars are more dangerous than bikes.


curiousity2424 t1_iu0u25b wrote

Hoboken they are absolutely crazy there. I almost hit 10 of them driving from 7th and madison to hamilton park. They criss-cross the wrong way down one ways, and dont stop at intersections.


dorkishj OP t1_iu13ng2 wrote

That's weird. I'm not against ebikes. I'm just against the ones who wreckessly drive them.


Indecisively t1_iu0i25h wrote

An ambulance seems like overkill here.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0lb77 wrote

I am paying for it and they didn't think it was overkill. I did not post my medical conditions. If I didn't get hurt I wouldn't have called.


Indecisively t1_iu0vhym wrote

Of course they’re not going to tell you it’s overkill to your face. I can only go off the information you provided. Based on that, an ambulance seems like overkill for a “bruise that hurts 😢”. You can receive medical care with utilizing emergency services in a non-emergency.


dorkishj OP t1_iu0wvbh wrote

It's really none of your business, though. :) unless you want to pay my medical bill... then sure? Have a good day :)


Indecisively t1_iu0z36o wrote

You’re the one who posted your business here and now you’re mad. Lol you have a good day too. Hope your bruise heals without complication. 😁


dorkishj OP t1_iu0zwuh wrote

Who's mad?

I'm good :) thanks 😊


Indecisively t1_iu112x2 wrote

Lol maybe “defensive” would’ve been a better word choice. Nevertheless, I didn’t ask but glad you’re “good”. Have a good day :) and get well soon! 😉


Hot-Ad2515 t1_iu0onxc wrote

This guy's a troll. He probably rides an ebike and runs stop signs


dorkishj OP t1_iu24qp2 wrote

I'm a troll? I'm not a "he" thanks.