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fraggle-rocket t1_irwi8qr wrote

Im not sure what insurance you have anything but here are a few resources for medical transport. The first two are for Medicare/Medicaid.

ModivCare (if you have Medicaid or Medicare) its free to arrange transport there and back.

Logisticare is also available for ppl w/ medicaid 1-866-527-9933.

JCMC also has non-emergency transport Hudcen you can see if they can help 201-324-5022. BUT def check with your insurance, some plans offer coverage for medical transport some dont.


LostinAndalusia111 OP t1_is516br wrote

Thank you for this thoughtful reply. I definitely think this is helpful information, however as i previously stated in my OP and replies,

"I've asked my PCP, the specialist, my insurance, the hospital and the doctor performing my procedure if they could refer me to a (chaperone) service. They all confirmed they do not know of any such service...They can recommend transportation, but not a chaperone who will sign your liability release forms."

Medical chaperone is a completely separate complication than transportation. It is required by law when going under anesthesia. I have gone through this twice this year. I was not permitted to check in, much less have the procedure, until my chaperone showed up.

Thank you for taking the time to respond and listing these resources though!