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Blowmewhileiplaycod t1_iu7lx2c wrote

Tempted to bike there for a photo op on her hood


nerdiestnerdballer t1_iu7o5ug wrote

Yes! Wear those tight biker spandex hang upside down on her hood with your bike in the air and have someone take a pic with degise behind you yelling. It would probably be one of the all time most upvoted posts on this sub


ffejie t1_iu8t946 wrote

Being a biker involved in a hit and run is a very good JC 2022 Halloween costume. If you can get the councilwoman yelling at you in the pic, it's an all timer.


AWarTimeConsigliere t1_iu7mb0z wrote

I’ll be dressing up as the biker she hit and laying down in front of her car during the event. Stop by and take some pictures with me!


DontBeEvil1 t1_iu7xptp wrote

I hope everyone who's offended actually shows up and protests. Hitting the streets and being vocal is far better than just complaining on Reddit.


viniciusah t1_iu99jzz wrote

Do you want people to get outside to protest? Making a post on reddit is waaaaaay more comfortable and only takes a minute. /s


DontBeEvil1 t1_iu9dkmx wrote

Judging from the constant posts over the past several definitely takes more than a minute.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iu7izq9 wrote

Amy DeGise is going to be handing out candy from the same car she used in a hit-and-run.


oneofmanypeople7 t1_iu7kw1v wrote

And Fulop is too much of a wimp to demand her resignation - what a sad state of affairs.


Inevitable-Exam-3208 t1_iu9xgb0 wrote

You must not be from hudson county. It's not up to flop, it's up to the dem political machine.


mbstor23 t1_iuf9yah wrote

It’s this kind of shit that makes a Democrat want to vote Republican.


mbstor23 t1_iu9j0eo wrote

And this fucker wants to be Governor?


_switch360_ t1_iu7djvf wrote

This is funny in a dark way. You have to laugh.


wesweslaco t1_iu7mpsg wrote

This is the scariest Halloween event to ever happen!


jotjotzzz t1_iu8m6sg wrote

Psychopath. Vote her out!!!


bindrosis t1_iu8n101 wrote

A lot of people talk shit about this woman (rightfully so), but no one is doing anything to get her removed. My guess is maybe one or two people show up to this and yell with a sign.


HaguesDesk t1_iuacmmg wrote

There were hours and hours of comments at council meetings. Multiple in-person protests. At a certain point people start running out of steam and aren’t able to devote their time to something, but they’re still upset about it.


bindrosis t1_iualx89 wrote

Exactly what she was counting on


jgweiss t1_iuaqdsl wrote

yes, she is relying on running out the clock, refusing to comment on anything.

she will reach a plea deal (spoiler: the prosecutor will find that she was also a victim, despite committing a crime, and offer a plea as such), experience little consequence, and run for mayor in 2024, winning on the backs of the usual suspects who bolster team fulop and yuppies who moved here in 2023 or later.


datatadata t1_iu8n2fx wrote

I guess it kind of fits the halloween theme lol