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imaluckyduckie t1_is173i5 wrote

Airports are just the start. Real ID will be required to access federal facilities including military bases, courthouses, SSA offices, nuclear power plants, etc...


jim13101713 t1_is74oeb wrote

Will passports be allowed as identification for flying domestically in the future? I thought you did not need a real ID if you had a passport (and did not mind bringing it when traveling domestically).


bodhipooh t1_is17yjm wrote

bUt WhAt AbOuT mY pRiVaCy!?


imaluckyduckie t1_is189rr wrote

Wait until you hear you also can't pack heat inside


bodhipooh t1_is1g2y7 wrote

In general, most people live blissfully unaware of shit. It’s crazy, but a fact. Come May, this will be a shit show. And, you are definitely correct that airports are just the start, but it will be the most high visibility one: the TSA screens about 2 million people each day.