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stepsandladders t1_iua5zyj wrote

You don't know anything about him either, and what difference does it make if they served time for assault or rape (unlikely, as those crimes are rarely convicted) vs carrying weed or excessive failure to pay fines (extremely likely)? Either way putting someone in jail or prison does nothing to address systemic issues of violence, inequality and deprivation that lead to actions deemed "criminal" by the state. Meanwhile, direct redistribution of money actually does exactly that. So yeah in general I'm on the side of people who have greater need and against dehumanizing people for having been put in jail or prison.


HobokenJ t1_iuav71m wrote

Let's try another thought experiment:

Someone comes up to you from behind at an ATM, shoves you to the ground and steals $800. The police somehow catch the assailant.

Do you press charges?


stepsandladders t1_iubq8pb wrote

Nope! Absolutely not. I wouldn't ever call the cops for any reason since data shows they are vastly more likely to escalate a situation and get someone hurt than defuse it and/or solve the problem. And besides, $800 would not impact my quality of life or the wellbeing of my family. You seem to be coming from a position of great ignorance about how prisons and police actually function in our society, so I'll stop replying now and suggest you read a book on the topic. A great accessible place to start is "Are Prisons Obsolete" by Angela Davis, but you can also just google "history of policing in America" and read a little bit about why police exist in the form they do. Best of luck!