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HobokenJ t1_iuav71m wrote

Let's try another thought experiment:

Someone comes up to you from behind at an ATM, shoves you to the ground and steals $800. The police somehow catch the assailant.

Do you press charges?


stepsandladders t1_iubq8pb wrote

Nope! Absolutely not. I wouldn't ever call the cops for any reason since data shows they are vastly more likely to escalate a situation and get someone hurt than defuse it and/or solve the problem. And besides, $800 would not impact my quality of life or the wellbeing of my family. You seem to be coming from a position of great ignorance about how prisons and police actually function in our society, so I'll stop replying now and suggest you read a book on the topic. A great accessible place to start is "Are Prisons Obsolete" by Angela Davis, but you can also just google "history of policing in America" and read a little bit about why police exist in the form they do. Best of luck!