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Exponent_0 OP t1_isaez56 wrote

Some pretty interesting stuff in this article.


LateralEntry t1_isagwq4 wrote

Very interesting photos, thanks for sharing!


A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_isan70t wrote

The pic of the cab going down the street toward the powerhouse is a frame grab from the movie "Sid and Nancy".


whybother5000 t1_isauc0v wrote

Andy Blair has done a fantastic job hosting old JC pics on Flickr for like 15 years now. Including “then and now” images.


helloder27 t1_isax8ti wrote

Thank God they've finally moved on from a city "looking outwards" towards NYC to a city "looking within" and actually trying to improve as a city. We want to be a more inwards looking, independent city rather than having to depend on NYC for every small thing.


murphydcat t1_isb1i1y wrote

I used to hang out on the remnants of the concrete piers at the end of Essex St. and watch the guys fish in the Hudson River. There were abandoned cars there and someone would build a fire. It was a great place to cool off on a hot summer day.


dreamanxiety t1_isbe59n wrote

this is the jersey city i grew up in. things were scary at times but had a good time there during the 70s and 80s.



A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_isbumsf wrote

It's always struck me as funny that he asks the NYC cops where he can get good pizza and he ends up in Jersey City.

I'm unsure where exactly those scenes were filmed, the scene may have been assembled on the Colgate factory property, or north of Exchange Place. The colgate complex was demolished in 1985 and left a several block wide empty lot for several years just south of Exchange Place.

If you look really close in front of the building that's far right there you can see the corner of the old Exchange Place PATH entrance. When built, that building behind it was the tallest building in NJ.

Edit: The intersection shown in the taxi shot is the corner of Washington St. and Steuben St.


jjvvllxx t1_isc2wpj wrote

omg! thanks for sharing!


dreamanxiety t1_isd17lj wrote

can't say that i do. after newport mall was built things started to go up in that area almost overnight. i'm from the greenville section of jc, though i hung out on first street & grove throughout high school since i had friends living down there.

before the mall was built there were a lot of gangs and drugs downtown; a totally different environment that it is now.

even though i worked at the mall, and have always kind of hated it, it really was the spark that ignited downtown.


generationjonesing t1_isd4i9a wrote

This is the City I grew up in. Went to HS downtown in the mid 70s. Spent time partying on the docks on 1st street and by the seawall at exchange place. Used to go into what is now the Golden Cicada for beers at lunch. Great memories it was a fun place to be a kid. It was a bit of a rough town but I wouldn't trade that time for anything.


CrossEyed2 t1_isdj8wp wrote

This is mind blowing. I moved to JC over 10 years ago and have seen big changes but nothing compares to the pics in this post.