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moobycow t1_itbiel7 wrote

Basically, in this area, don't get sprayed by a skunk and don't touch poison ivy. Neither are really going to do you much damage, but they will ruin your week. Other than that, do tick checks if you've been out in the woods or a grassy area because the little bastards can give you lyme disease.

Oh, and don't pet the rats.

We have rattlesnakes and black widow spiders, but you are not going to see a rattlesnake in JC (and honestly, other than rock climbers, I don't know anyone who has had an issue).

You could theoretically find a black widow, but they are pretty obvious and also uncommon.


adenp OP t1_itblneb wrote

Thanks a lot just googled black widow spider to see how they look. I will be wary of them. Skunks are the ones that spray very nasty liquid on you right? I thought skunks were exotic animals that lived in the amazon forest or something. I was pretty surprised to find one eating my trash the other day lol.


moobycow t1_itblxvx wrote

Ha. Skunks are all over the place around here, but they are also pretty docile and friendly, just don't startle one or try to chase them away.


adenp OP t1_itbm768 wrote

Oh awesome they are cute though. Are there raccoons here? I have always wanted to see one as I have seen them in many American movies or TV shows living in dumpsters.


moobycow t1_itbmiu9 wrote

Yup, lots of raccoons as well. They are also super cute, really smart and have thumbs so they pretty much get in wherever they like. They are mostly out in the early to mid evening.

Also mostly chill, but if you see one acting strange or aggressive or out during the day, report that and stay away because it might have rabies.


adenp OP t1_itbmpky wrote

Thanks will lookout for them. Pretty interesting to know that they have thumbs 👍