Submitted by ChubbyStars91 t3_y5x9ml in jerseycity

Why is it difficult to call people back? 😕 like I'm just trying to see apartments because I'm moving by the end of next month. No matter what app I'm using no one's calling back about appointments set , no calling for information at this point I'm just bout to call directly and set ehm up that way. This is taking too much time for zero reason. =/ smh it shouldn't be this much trouble to go from point A to point B . Honestly.



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Desi_techy_girl t1_ismi7ki wrote

Try buildings where you can rent directly from management. They are the easiest to rent , may not be cheapest though.


gshirodkar t1_iso4z1g wrote

Also you don't have to pay a brokerage fee (which is nice!)


Cuprunnethover2022 t1_isnutv3 wrote

Just FYI back in the day when it was IMPOSSIBLE to get an apartment in NYC (it seems to be getting like that now, well at least the well-priced ones) my brother saw a building owner taking out the recycling one night. He went over and said "I'd love to live in this building, and I'd be happy to do the recycling for free for as long as I live here". He was in a new apartment within a few weeks, he did the recycling for 10 years there and the landlord never raised his rent AND he avoided a broker fee. We all kidded him for it, but he lived in a fantastic neighborhood for low rent and a chore he probably would have helped out with anyway (he's like that). Sometimes it helps to think outside the box.


Brudesandwich t1_ismfvte wrote

Used to be a realtor. While I hate realtors your doing it all wrong. Realtors have a thing called fiduciary obligation to clients which means if you don't have an agreement (contract) with them then they do the bare minimum.

Find a realtor you like and have that person schedule all the apartments on YOUR time. Hopping from one to another, to another, to another is time consuming and the realtors could be doing a million things. Your going to most likely pay the broker fee no matter what. So get a realtor to do the work for you.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_ismnrgg wrote

The problem is that apps like Zillow have created extremely low signal to noise in this arena. So many people will click on a listing because it takes no effort, and then not even respond when the the advertiser calls or emails them back. I have found this true many times advertising apartments as an owner. I try to get back to everyone, but sometimes there's so many and I know the yield is so low I just kind of give up after getting a three or four people who say they'll tour.

So you know what guarantees a call back from me? An actual written human text, hopefully with some self description, as opposed to using the canned message that you click on.

Also you can get my attention by filling out some of the info fields like income and FICO. I get a surprising number of inquiries from people who couldn't possibly afford the apartment for rent.


robin_tern t1_ismr4rx wrote

Do open houses and tell everyone to come in the same 2 hour window, then you get the serious ones back for a second view a few days later when you can vet them more closely.



Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_isn4g9s wrote

In decades doing this I don't think I've ever rented to someone who came back for a second view. And open houses are complete mess, I don't get to give attention to everyone I'd like to or get to sniff them out. I'd much rather do a bit of pre-interviewing on the phone, and then get to actually meet them and assess them during the tour.


Zealousideal_Box6973 t1_isojvnr wrote

The rental market is hard now because people are not buying homes, many people sold their homes (and made a lot of money) when the housing market was high and now they can’t find a replacement homes so they are renting, those are renters we didn’t have before. So now, apartments are “flying off the shelves” and those rents are high but people rather pay that then pay an even higher mortgage


EksXxx t1_isoq7fs wrote

This is exactly what happened to me and my partner. Our landlord kicked us out because they are selling the house. They gave us 40 days notice but with the chaotic situation (a lot of people move out and look for apartment and it was the worst months for finding apartment because school also has started), we just had luck on the third week to find something decent. It was not fun experience.


CuriousMurphy t1_ismgit7 wrote

If you are looking for a 2 bed, we are moving out early November and would be happy to recommend our current apartment. Please PM in case you need more info.


sentinel-of-the-st t1_isn39su wrote

My search in this area was rough because a lot of the realtors were rude or just non responsive. I don’t know why I’d pay someone when getting basic information initially is next to impossible. Keep searching OP, you’ll eventually find a place. What’s your budget? I had a realtor who id contacted in March, respond in august!!


ChubbyStars91 OP t1_isn8vlq wrote

We are looking to stay within the 1600 to 1800 range. We work etc but we are paying 2100 and its too much. Just looking for two bedrooms that accept cats. We have three . All elderly . Clipped and also shots/vaccines and chipped. We are not willing to part with them.


EksXxx t1_isnyyfm wrote

Hopefully you get one soon, OP! I wish you luck, I mean it, really. You are very responsible with your cats and thank you for keeping them with you, and I understand that it is very frustrating situation.

I was in your situation couple weeks ago. My landlord kicked us out and only gave us just lil bit amount of time to move out. We used Zillow and contacted more than 20 apartments and only 7 of them got back to us and by the time they got back to us, sometimes the landlord has already accepted other application. We had luck after 3 weeks.


ChubbyStars91 OP t1_isomy61 wrote

If you guys were on a lease and have proof of payment. They legally have to give you 30 days. Some land lords can be so heartless. Smh I'm happy you and your fur babies found a home and are safe. Blessings to you and your family. ♡ thanks for the info and ill keep it in mind.


Zealousideal_Box6973 t1_isok4aj wrote

Do you need parking? I might have something in 1-2 months in JC heights for you, but there is no parking, rent would be $1800 2bed 1bath.


ChubbyStars91 OP t1_isomrge wrote

No parking needed at all. We use public transportation. Cheeper and honestly cars are too expensive now a days. We are none smokers none drinkers are rarely have people over. Haha we are in our 30s and we like our peace and quiet. Thank you for the consideration and your time honestly. Very kind of you.


Zealousideal_Box6973 t1_isopppc wrote

No worries, I’ll figure out how to notify you on here if it becomes available by your timeline (end of next month)


Vegetable_River t1_ispdjyf wrote

I recently went thru this for several months. I moved finally in September but honestly this is a closet.

I looked at so many apartments that were trash - absolute trash. Please do not go by photos! They can be deceptive as far as size and cleanliness! Trust me! Also, Parkstone is trash - as tempted as uou might be to reply - ignore them. They will make appointments and not show or if they do show, give you the run around even AFTER they get your money.

Call. Call and text the landlord directly. That's the only way I was able to get anywhere. Good luck!


vatapatta t1_isqkc1w wrote

When I was looking, I literally just showed up to buildings and asked to see apartments. Alot of the buildings are grouped together, so it's easy enough to do and you get a sense of the vibe and walkability up front.


Spockotaco t1_isscrnz wrote

I just moved to JC a few months ago and I had the exact same problem. My roommate and I must have contacted about thirty different listings using several different websites and apps with very few replies. Even calling places/people directly and leaving messages for days didn’t get us anything. The only thing that worked for us was (luckily) finding a quality realtor, and while her broker fee was expensive it was 100% worth it for us. We wouldn’t have gotten our current apartment without her help. I obviously don’t know your financial situation, but if you have the means to work with a realtor it could make a difference. Also, getting in contact with apartment complexes was easier than individual landlords/realtors for us, so that could also be an easier option for you as well. Best of luck to you!