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ScumbagMacbeth t1_itmrdf7 wrote

A few nights ago I was driving on Palisade Ave and I stopped for a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk. The car behind me got annoyed and pulled around me and drove into the opposite lane to pass me and run through the crosswalk where a person was trying to cross! They barely missed them and it was terrifying. I really thought I was about to see someone get run over. Drivers here are seriously deranged.


Ilanaspax t1_itn642m wrote

I see this all the time and it makes it feel more dangerous to stop for the pedestrian somehow? Half the time the person doesn’t even want to cross because they already know not to trust the car behind me.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_itnprm6 wrote

I totally know what you mean. It's really bad. I'm constantly harassing my Councilman about doing something at my intersection in particular but he keeps ignoring me.


RAWisROLLIE OP t1_itms3mt wrote

Palisade Ave is where I first experienced the "left on red" technique. It was also directly into a crosswalk that was being used.